Discussion: Spanish girlfriend working Holliday in Australia
- 24/10/23, 09:55 #1Hi, I’m from France and my girlfriend from Spain and we would like to go work in Australia for few month. Unfortunately she didn’t study and can’t apply for a working Holliday visa. Do you have any solutions to allow her to come with me in Australia to work? We’re open to any kind of solution as long as we can work together in Australia.
- 24/10/23, 10:27 #2Hello,
Tu trouveras dans cet article Tous les visas pour se rendre / travailler en Australie le détail d'une partie des permis de travail qu'il est possible de faire en Australie. le PVT reste le visa le plus simple à obtenir, les autres visas de travail ont beaucoup plus de conditions...
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