Seoul a lancé une alerte concernant une probable invasion d'insectes fin août, début septembre, leur nombre passant de 600 à 3000. Cela est du aux grosses pluies qui ont eu lieu. Les insectes auront tendance à être plus agressifs.

Seoul City government warned Tuesday that more bees and wasps will emerge in the city from late August to September and asked citizens to be cautious during outdoor activities.

During the period, the number of bees and wasps will increase from 600 to 3,000 in a single hive and will tend to be more aggressive with more potent venom, the city’s natural disaster control unit officials said.

After longer-than-usual rainy spell when the insects have been restricted in their activities, they are likely to appear in metropolitan and residential areas for food such as small insects and honey, according to bee experts.

Residents in mountain areas of the city are required to take extra caution, said city officials.

According to the city, calls to 119 reporting the emergence of bees from a northern district of Eunpyeong surrounded by Bukhan and Dobong mountains have been about seven to nine times more frequent than central districts or downtown or southwestern residential areas with few hills.

Among the 119 reports, bee hives found in short-story residential building made up 45 percent of the total, followed by apartments and schools.

Bees are more likely to appear in the metropolitan area as the city expands gradually, which eventually threatens bee habitats, experts said. And bees tend to move to places with high temperatures, too, usually in the city area.

When stung, experts advise victims not to remove the sting forcefully by hand, but to use a firm plastic card to remove it and then use ice to help ease the pain and itchiness.

To prevent bee sting, experts advise people to not wear bright clothes or perfume during outdoor activities and not to go barefoot walking in parks and stay away from flowerbeds.

By Lee Woo-young
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