Discussion: sites d'offres d'emploi
- 02/02/06, 21:11 #1Voila quelques liens qui pourraient vous etre utiles dans votre recherche d'emploi.
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British Colombia only. Launched in 2001, this site has rapidly gained a good number of job postings from a wide variety of employers.
BrainsTalent: https://www.brainstalent.com
Atlantic Canada only. One of the top sites for Atlantic Canada including Nova Scotia (NS), New Brunswick (NB), Newfoundland and Labrador (NFLD) and Prince Edward Island (PEI).
Campus Worklink : https://www.campusworklink.com
Student focus. Recently acquired by workopolis.com, this site provides listings, resources, corporate profiles and a resume database.
Canjobs.com: https://www.canjobs.com
Owned by VentureLabour.com, this site is a portal to all the other provincial and city (15 cities) job websites owned by this company. You will find job listings and you will be able to post your resume online.
CareerBeacon: https://www.careerbeacon.com
Atlantic Canada only. This site provides job postings and company profiles.
CareerClick: https://www.careerclick.com
This site features job listings from all the CanWest newspapers across Canada, recruitment tools and advice.
iJive: https://www.ijive.com
Although this recently launched site states that it is a job bank, its strength is the comprehensive directory of career sites in Canada.
Jobboom: https://www.jobboom.com
This is a bilingual site with most of its job postings located in Quebec. Email alerts and corporate profiles are also available.
jobpostings.ca: https://www.jobpostings.ca
Student focus. As a complement to its print version, this site is one of the top student sites in Canada. The site is also hot-linked with career centres and student societies across North America.
Job Shark: https://www.jobshark.com
Jobshark is an internet recruitment company originally founded in Canada in 1997. It now has operations in 9 countries. It uses proprietary matching technology that only sends job postings to users with skills sets that are appropriate.
Monster Canada: https://www.monster.ca
Fully bi-lingual, this is the Canadian version of Monster.com. It provides job listings, advice, tools, and resources. One of the major job boards in Canada.
MonsterTrak Canada: https://www.monstertrak.ca
This is Monster's student-focused site offering job and internship postings, career advice, articles, student resources, and resume management.
Workopolis: https://www.workopolis.com
Along with Monster, one of the major job boards in Canada. This site also provides listings, advice, articles, and the usual job search tools. All jobs printed in the Globe & Mail and Toronto Star are automatically posted here. back to top
AccountingCanadian Institute of Chartered Accountants: https://www.camagazine.com/cica/camagazine.nsf/public/Class_Accounting
Online version of CA Magazine with some articles and a listing of all the jobs printed in the magazine.
CGA Alberta: https://www.cga-alberta.org
Alberta only. Membership required for access to job listings.
CGA Ontario: https://www.cga-ontario.org
Ontario only. Membership required for access to job listings.
CMA Alberta: https://www.cma-alberta.com
Membership required for access to job listings.
Jobwings.com: https://www.jobwings.com
Quebec only with job postings and email alerts.
Pro Emploi.com: https://www.proemploi.com
Job postings only, focusing on Quebec.
Reperes-Emplois: https://www.reperes-emplois.com
All finance and accounting jobs printed on Les Affaires are posted here. Company profiles are provided.
Society of Certified Management Accountants of Canada: https://www.cma-canada.org
Requires Member Login to access job postings.
EngineeringThese are all engineering association websites that generally provide job listings and some resources, depending on the sophistication of the site.
Association of Professional Engineers & Geoscientists of B.C.: https://www.apeg.bc.ca
Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists & Geophysicists of Alberta:
Association of Professional Engineers & Geoscientists of Newfoundland : https://www.apegn.nf.ca
Association of Professional Engineers of Nova Scotia : https://www.apens.ns.ca
Ontario Society of Professional Engineers: https://www.ospe.on.ca
Membership required to access job postings.
Physiotherapy Association of BC: https://www.bcphysio.org
This association website provides resources for physiotherapists and job listings.
Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists: https://www.caot.ca
Job listings in addition to resources for occupational therapists are available here.
Canadian Medical Placement Service: https://www.cmps.ca
Job postings and articles are provided on this site.
Canadian Physiotherapy Association: https://www.physiotherapy.ca
One of the better-looking websites with both job listings and resources.
CanadianRN: https://www.canadianrn.com
Besides job postings, this site offers nursing and healthcare news and directories.
Health Employers Association of BC: https://www.heabc.bc.ca
HEABC represents the interests of over 400 publicly funded health care Employers in British Columbia. This site provides job postings and some resources.
Health Match BC: https://www.healthmatchbc.org
Health Match BC is a government-funded, no-fee recruiting service for doctors and nurses.
Hospital News: https://www.hospitalnews.com
This website complements the print version providing an online listing of all the jobs printed in the publication.
MedHunters: https://www.medhunters.com
MedHunters is an extensive site with job postings, a comprehensive resource directory for each occupational group, and employer profiles.
Information TechnologyCanada IT: https://www.canadait.com
A portal for the latest Canadian information technology careers, news, events, venture capital and company information.
ItWorldCanada.com: https://www.itworldcanada.com
Since its launch two years ago, IT World Canada has become one of the top online information resources for Canadian IT professionals. It includes job postings, news articles and resources.
Positionw@tch: https://www.positionwatch.com
Owned by CNC Global, a headhunting company, this site provides resources, job listings and employer profiles.
Recruiting Station : https://www.recruitingstation.com
An online job board with resume application availability and a chat room.
T-Net: https://www.bctechnology.com/frameset_emp.html
T-Net is the portal site for the high-tech industry in BC. Employer profiles, online application and job postings are available in the Tech Jobs section.
Marketing and SalesCanadian Marketing Association: https://www.the-cma.org/
Once you're registered, you can post your resume, apply for jobs online, and set up a job search agent that will find targeted jobs that suit your needs. You then receive an email notification when a job that meets your specific criteria is posted.
Marketing Online: https://www.marketingmag.ca
Job postings, online resumes and resources are provided at this site.
Non-Profit Charity Village: https://www.charityvillage.com
A portal for the non-profit sector with news, jobs, information and resources for executives, staffers, donors, and volunteers.
Oil & Gas PetroleumPlace.com: https://www.petroleumplace.com
Based in Alberta, this is an oil and gas portal with job listings and employer profiles along with industry resources.
- 02/02/06, 21:24 #2Merci beaucoup Zitoun! Je suis en plein dedans ca va m'avancer un peu!
- 02/02/06, 21:42 #3
- 03/02/06, 01:05 #4Pfiou!!! Quel boulot Zitoun et merci pour tout ces liens en plus il y a même ma branche IT!! Je met tout ca en bookmark et j'irais voir ca demain!!
- 03/02/06, 01:20 #5eh bah! merci pour le débroussaillage de sites! c'est h'achement sympa tout ça!
Message de Jay-Jay(bookmark etc...!)
- 03/02/06, 01:48 #6J'en ai un en plus. Spécialement pour les Montréalais :
Agence Montréalaise pour l'emploi (AMPE) surtout pour les Français qui débarquent : www.ampe.ca
Réseau d'intégration professionnelle d'îngenieurs : www.francogenie.com
Norme du travail : www.cnt.gouv.qc.ca
- 03/02/06, 06:12 #7Merci Zitoun!!
- 09/02/06, 17:09 #8Merci beaucoup pour les infos Charlye et Zitoun!!!
- 10/02/06, 15:59 #9Merci Zitoun!
C'est super sympas de penser à nous.Au moins on n'avance un peu nos recherche avant de partir.
- 10/02/06, 16:34 #10Bon ben je vais répéter ce que dises les autres mais que dire à part merci....moi qui cherche en plus!!!!
- 11/02/06, 23:39 #11J'ajoute ma pierre à l'edifice en espérant ne pas faire dans la redite! J'ajoute que la plupart sont spécifiques au Québec vu que c'est par là-bas que je cherche...
Equipe Spectra : événementiel, festivals, TV...
Le grenier aux emplois (de tout et pas que des vieilleries)
Site du Regroupement de Centre d'Artistes Autogérés du Québec... Bref des Annonces dans le domaine artistique et culturel.
Emploi - Québec (de nombreuses offres dans tous les domaines)
J'espère avoir contribuer à votre recherche... pour ma part je continue la mienne
- 30/04/06, 17:44 #12
- 07/06/06, 14:46 #13Merki ! Ca va bien servir! Je vais regarder ca de pres, et si j'en ai a rajouter, je le ferais la dessus !
- 12/09/07, 22:41 #14merci beua coup a tous pour les info ca va beau coup maider au moment de la recherche
c sympa
canada i m soon there Jour J -48
- 13/09/07, 00:55 #15J'ajoute ma petite contribution. Pour ceux qui préfère travailler en freelance:
De la job à contrat.
- 13/09/07, 05:05 #16Merci pour toutes ces adresses, je note et j'espère en avoir bientôt besoin!
- 13/09/07, 11:41 #17Impeccable merci pour cette liste d'or !!
- 30/12/07, 20:59 #18
- 30/12/07, 21:41 #19Alors ça c'est un bon p'tit up bien utile... Merci Marie
Et merci aux contributeurs qui ont proposé tous ces liens
- 30/12/07, 21:48 #20
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