Discussion: Aide pour lettre de motivation pvt France
- 30/05/17, 09:15 #1Bonjour tout le monde!! Je me présente, je m'appelle Justine, je réside actuellement en Corée du Sud mais en Juillet mon fiancé et moi allons rentrer en France. Mon fiancé est coréen et nous sommes en ce moment en train de repondre aux questions pour la lettre de motivation! J'aimerais avoir vos conseils, que pensez-vous de notre lettre? si vous avez des rajouts, des choses à modifier, supprimer, faites le moi savoir merci beaucoup!!! J'ai hate de faire découvrir notre beau pays
Presentation: I’m LCH, I’m 19 years old, I currently live with my parents and I have four older sisters. I graduated from higshschool in 2016. I studied chemistry and biology. I am working in a telecom company and every evening I work as a waiter in a restaurant. I did many part-time jobs before such as bartender, barista, waiter, parking manager.
Motifs justifiant un séjour touristique en France: First, I fell in love with France when I was young and I always told myself I will go! It is my biggest dream. I remember I watched so many times the french movie Leon. When I was in highschool I used to study french but not regularly so now I want to learn it again. I want to travel a lot in France, discover the country and its beautiful landscapes.Then, my fiancé is french and for this reason I also want to get to know her country, the french life and better understand her culture.
Projet professionnel envisagé:With my fiancé we are currently looking for some places where we could harvesting grapes or other fruits between august and october. It sounds like a really amazing experience for both of us. Then, as we have some korean and french friends in Lyon who can introduce me to some working places such as korean restaurants or supermarkets, I will apply there. I can also teach korean.
My wish is also to work as a volunteer. I want to give some help to France. As I really like animals I want to help the french organization called 30 millions d’amis.
Programme détaillé du séjour :First, I will arrive in Paris. I am planning to stay a couple of days and then move to my fiancé’s hometown where I will meet my parent’s in law. We will live in their house for around one month and then move to a house that my fiance already found for us. It’s in a small city so I can really experience the « real » french life. Finally, we will move to Lyon. I plan to visit Marseilles, Annecy, Bordeaux and much more. I want to visit many museums, participate to the Festival « Les nuits de Fourvières » this summer as I am a big fan of the french singer Julien Doré, the Festival of Lights in Lyon in December.
Merci infiniment pour votre aide!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- 30/05/17, 09:58 #2Bonjour Justine,
Moi ça me semble plutôt bien. Il a bien insisté sur l'aspect culturel et touristique, ce que souhaitent les autorités françaises.
Le seul point qui pourrait les faire un peu tilter (mais je trouve qu'il le tourne bien), c'est le fait qu'il vienne avec toi.
Ça n'est pas explicitement inscrit sur le site de de l'ambassade de Corée en France, mais voici ce qu'ils disent sur le site de l'ambassade de France en Nouvelle-Zélande :
Holidaymaking in France must be the main purpose of the stay. The working holiday visa cannot be issued for any other purpose (e.g. joining your partner in France, studying, working as an Au Pair, finding long-term employment or obtaining a rugby contract).
- 30/05/17, 11:11 #3
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