Calgary :
Lorsque vous appelez le service médical pour obtenir des conseils par une infirmière, celle-ci peut vous obtenir un rendez-vous dans une clinique après les heures d'ouvertures, où vous pourrez voir un docteur.
Cela fonctionne même si vous n'avez pas de médecin de famille, en revanche il n'est pas sur que ça fonctionne pour les pvtistes, car ça semble faire partie d'un programme de santé. Mais pour les autres permis ça devrait être possible.

Phone service helps patients see doctors

Calgary patients calling for medical advice from nurses can now get an appointment booked with a doctor at an after-hours clinic.
Health Link is a popular telephone service that screens more than a million calls a year. Nurses can now refer patients calling in after hours – who need to see a doctor quickly – to one of the four clinics that are part of the Primary Care After-Hours Program.
The information collected on the phone will be faxed to the clinic, which will contact the patient and book an appointment.
"Once the clinics close, there is also a physician that is available by phone if you have an urgent problem that needs to be discussed," said Lara Osterreciher, a manager with Health Link in Calgary.
Patients who don't have a family doctor, or can't reach their doctor, will be able to use the service.
Trisha Beavers and her 10-year-old daughter Grace were on hand Tuesday for an announcement about the service by Alberta Health Services.
Beavers called Health Link in the evening, when her daughter broke out with a severe case of eczema.
Within an hour, her daughter was seeing a doctor, who put her on antibiotics and then forwarded the records on to the family's pediatrician.
"I was so impressed with the service," she said. "I actually called back Health Link specifically that night when I got in to say thank you."

Source : Phone service helps patients see doctors - Calgary - CBC News