Discussion: Un RDV pour le TFN ?
- 06/12/14, 05:47 #1Bonjour à tous,
Voilà j'ai fait une demande en ligne pour un TFN. J'ai donc rempli le formulaire en ligne en suivant chacune des étapes et à la fin j'ai reçu un email contenant un PDF résumant mon Application (de type REF-XXXXXX.pdf).
On me dit dans ce mail qu'il faut que je me rende à un "Australia Post Outflet" avec ce formulaire imprimé ainsi que des justificatifs d'identité. Voici le mail :
ATO - Tax File Number - application or enquiry for individuals
Your Tax File Number - application or enquiry for individuals form has been successfully submitted.
A copy of your Application summary is attached.
You can track your form progress with the application reference number below
What’s next?
1. Print your application summary and prepare for lodgement instore. 2. Lodge your application in person at a participating Australia Post outlet. To locate your nearest participating outlet ring 13 13 18 or visit Australia Post office locator 3. Please ensure that you bring all the necessary documentation as detailed in the attached application summary. This includes your printed application summary together with proof of identity, and where required, your proof of eligibility documents. Handwritten changes made on your application summary will not be accepted.
If you have submitted the online form more than once, be sure to bring the latest application summary.
Il faut en tout que je fournisse lors de ce RDV en plus de ce formulaire 3 justificatifs parmi ceux proposés :
If you are aged 16 years old or over You need to provide three documents, one of which must be a primary document.
Primary documents
• Australian full birth certificate
• Australian passport
• Australian citizenship certificate or Extract from Register of Citizenship by Descent
• Foreign passport with evidence of Australian immigration status.
Secondary documents
• Medicare card
• Account statement from an Australian bank, credit union or building society less than one year old, or an ATM card. Your name and address on the account statement should match the details you provide on your online form (statements printed off the internet and credit card statements are not acceptable)
• Australian firearm licence with your signature and/or photo matching the details you provide on your online form
• Student identification card (tertiary or secondary) with your photo issued from an Australian government accredited education authority
• One of the following cards with your photo and signature. Any address on the card must match the details provided on the online form:
– Australian driver's licence
– Australian learner's permit
– state or territory government issued proof of age card
– state or territory government issued photo card.
> Quand bien même il faudrait que j'aille à ce bureau, il me manque une pièce justificative (Dans cette liste, je ne peux avoir que mon Passport et mon justificatif de compte bancaire en Australie)
- 06/12/14, 10:41 #2AnonymeC'est très étrange j'ai fait ma demande de TFN le mois dernier et on ne m'a rien demandé de tout cela, j'ai reçu une lettre 10 jours plus tard à mon adresse avec mon numéro. Tu n'aurais pas par hasard coché la mauvaise case lors de ta demande en ligne ? Le mieux serait de les contacter par mail ou téléphone et de leur expliquer ta situation.
- 06/12/14, 11:45 #3Je pense avoir compris le problème, j'ai rempli le formulaire à partir de cette page :
https://smarteform.com.au/onlineform...or individuals
Use this form if you are:
- not eligible to use the online process for permanent migrants and temporary visitors outlined
above, and - able to attend an interview at one of the participating Australia Post retail outlets.
- not eligible to use the online process for permanent migrants and temporary visitors outlined
- 07/12/14, 07:54 #4AnonymeBen tente tu verras bien
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