1. #1

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    Pour ceux qui veulent faire le trip de prendre un billet de train valable 1 mois pour faire Toronto-Vancouver (ou vice et versa), Globus propose un itinéraire, histoire de ne pas passer à coté des plus belles choses.
    Je n'écris pas ce post pour passer via cette agence (car c'est relativement cher: 4500 CA) mais au moins donner une idée d'itinéraire.

    Le voici :

    Day 1 Toronto. (Tue.) Welcome to Toronto! This evening mix and mingle with your traveling companions at the 6 p.m. welcome reception. Your Tour Director will prepare you for your upcoming adventure. (WR)

    Day 2 Toronto. Visit to Niagara Falls. (Wed.) Drive south along the shores of Lake Ontario to Niagara Falls. For the adventurous your Tour Director will suggest optional flightseeing over the falls. Then board the MAID OF THE MIST for a thrilling boat ride to view the thundering falls from river level. Before leaving the area, see the Floral Clock. Then return to Toronto for an orientation tour of the downtown area. Tonight you may opt to join the optional dinner atop the 1,815-foot CN Tower—the world’s tallest free-standing structure. NOTE: The operation of the Maid of the Mist cruise is subject to favorable weather and/or river conditions. When weather is unfavorable, a walking tour through the scenic tunnels will be substituted. (B)

    Day 3 VIA Rail® Canadian Train-Ontario. (Thu.) This morning transfer to the train station for your departure on “THE CANADIAN.” Watch the scenic countryside slide past your windows as you relax in firstclass refurbished art deco cars from the 1950s. Travel through “Cottage Country,” a favorite retreat for the city dwellers of southern Ontario. Note: For your convenience, baggage that will not be needed during the train journey will be checked through to Jasper. Checked baggage will not be accessible during the journey. Plan to pack an overnight bag with necessities for the train portion of the tour, including any medications, eyeglasses, and other important items. (B,L,D)

    Day 4 VIA Rail® Canadian Train through Northern Ontario and Manitoba. (Fri.) Continue past the sparkling lakes and sun-dappled forests of northern Ontario today. Try the observation dome for unparalleled views or enjoy quiet conversation in one of the comfortable lounges. Enter Manitoba with its endless golden prairies and vast cultivated fields. (B,L,D)

    Day 5 VIA Rail® Canadian Train through Saskatchewan and Alberta-Jasper. (Sat.) From Winnipeg to Jasper, the train roughly parallels the famed Yellowhead Route, Canada’s historic trail of westward expansion. Arrive in Jasper this afternoon and journey to Maligne Lake where you embark on a narrated CRUISE to Spirit Island. (B,L)

    Day 6 Jasper-Columbia Icefield-Lake Louise-Banff. (Sun.) This morning in Jasper you have time at leisure. Later this morning, stop at the 1,000-foot-thick Columbia Icefield for a thrilling SNOWCOACH RIDE. Climb Sunwapta Pass to savor stunning vistas of alpine meadows, waterfalls, and massive glaciers, and then scale Bow Pass, with splendid views of Peyto Lake. Next stop at Lake Louise, whose green-blue waters form a perfect mirror reflection of Mount Victoria. Continue on the Icefields Parkway to JASPER NATIONAL PARK before heading into BANFF NATIONAL PARK. (B,D)

    Day 7 Banff. (Mon.) Sightseeing includes a visit to Sulphur Mountain for aGONDOLA RIDE, complete with panoramic views of Banff’s spectacular scenery. Also visit Bow Falls and the “hoodoos.” The balance of the day is at leisure or perhaps choose an optional float trip excursion on the Bow River or a helicopter flightseeing trip, offering bird’s eye views of the Rockies. (B)

    Day 8 Banff-Via Rocky Mountaineer-Spiral Tunnels-Yoho National Park-Kamloops. (Tue.) Depart this morning from Banff’s train station and board the ROCKY MOUNTAINEER for a two-day, all daylight, classic rail journey from the Canadian Rockies to the Pacific Coast. Begin by crossing the Continental Divide and climbing Kicking Horse Pass before winding through the engineering feat of the Spiral Tunnels. Continue through the dramatic domain of Yoho National Park and enter the heart of the Selkirk Mountains, before passing the spectacular sights of Glacier National Park, the Monashee Mountains and Shuswap Lake. End today’s journey in Kamloops where you will experience frontier dining at TWO RIVER JUNCTION, complete with a musical review tonight. NOTE: For your convenience, baggage that will not be needed during the train journey will be checked through to Vancouver. Checked baggage will not be accessible during the journey. Plan to pack an overnight case with necessities for the train portion of the tour, including medications, eyeglasses, and other important items. (GoldLeaf passengers will have their luggage delivered to their Kamloops hotel.) (B,L,D)

    Day 9 Kamloops-Via Rocky Mountaineer-Fraser Canyon-Vancouver. (Wed.) Board your train this morning and witness dramatic changes in scenery en route to Vancouver. Highlights include the steep slopes and rock sheds along the Thompson River and the rushing waters of Hell’s Gate in the Fraser Canyon. Upon arrival in Vancouver, transfer to your hotel for an evening at leisure. (B,L)

    Day 10 Vancouver. (Thu.) This morning’s city tour of Vancouver includes the harbor and beaches, Chinatown, and Stanley Park. Balance of the day is at leisure. Perhaps rent a bike and ride around the seawall of Stanley Park or for the shoppers and browsers, take a water taxi to Granville Island or visit historic Gastown. Tonight your Tour Director hosts a Globus Farewell Celebration Dinner. Wonderful conversation and cuisine make the perfect finale for your vacation. (B,D)

    Day 11 Vancouver. (Fri.) Your stay in Vancouver continues.

    Day 12 Vancouver. Day trip to Victoria. (Sat.) Enjoy an included day trip to Victoria on Voncouver Island, with city sightseeing and a visit to world-renowned BUTCHART GARDENS. Transportation to and from Vancouver Island is by ferry. Note: The Victoria excursion will not be accompanied by a Tour Director. Vouchers are provided for all transfers with local companies. (B)

    Day 13 Vancouver. (Sun.) The tour ends this morning after breakfast with tour guests departing on individual schedules. Airport transfers are provided. (B)

    Ce site propose d'autres itinéraires bien sympas passant par la Californie (hein Laet), l'Alaska,...
    Le site est assez mal fait je trouve (pas de photo ni de tracets d'itinéraires,..) mais vous pouvez vous procurez des documentations gratuites et plus complètes chez College Travel Centre au 486 College Street (Toronto) ou vous inscrire en ligne pour en recevoir un.
    Dernière modification par big_mael ; 27/01/06 à 20:26.

  2. #2
    Avatar de Lydie
    Lydie 40 ans

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    Merci beaucoup pour ces infos, je suis justement en train de rêver de mon voyage de fin de pvt en ce moment. Voila de quoi me donner des idées...

  3. #3
    Avatar de Lizoliv
    lizoliv 42 ans

    Nantes, France
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    je relance ce message car c'est un trip qui nous tente bien mais est-ce que quelqu'un connait une façon de le faire sans que ça coute ce prix là car 4500 $ca"relativement cher" pour nous c'est plutot HORRIBLEMENT CHER!!!
    Dernière modification par Lizoliv ; 31/01/06 à 21:03.

  4. #4
    Avatar de Lydie
    Lydie 40 ans

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    En fait les 4500$ c'est si tu passes par l'agence en question. Le pass de train est moins cher, tu peux aller voir ce post qui en parle. Après c'est sur que dans tous les cas il faut rajouter le logement et la nourriture.
    Je pense que mael a mis ces infos juste pour donner des idées de choses à voir qui sont accessibles en train

  5. #5
    Avatar de Lizoliv
    lizoliv 42 ans

    Nantes, France
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    Merci j'avais lu le post auquel tu me renvoies et c'est vrai qu'on trouvait se tarif bien plus raisonnable. Quant à la citation de Mael ce n'etait pas uen critique... Enfin on pourra parler du trip en train jeudi car on sera au St sulpice!

  6. #6

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    Si vous vous inscrivez sur le site de Globus pour recevoir la doc vous l aurez en 2 semaines.

  7. #7
    Il faudrait déjà que j'arrive à tout traduire !!!!

    Mais bon, c'est sur que les paysages sont sublimes mais à 4000 dollars non merci!!!
    Je part avec ma tente et mon sac à dos plùtôt.

  8. #8
    Avatar de MelanieGatt
    Mélanie 44 ans

    Gatineau, QC, Canada
    1 047
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    Merci Big Mael!
    C'est tout à fait ce qu'il me fallait comme info touristisque. Je parle pas du prix :s mais du trajet Je pense faire Montréal-Vancouver en un mois en milieu de PVT.
    Je vais demander leur doc!
    Et puis toujours partante pour partager le trajet avec des pvtistes!