5How about… Edmonton (Alberta)?

ville Edmonton Canada

Alberta’s provincial capital is known for its natural beauty and various attractions, including Canada’s largest living history museum, Canada’s largest historical park and North America’s largest mall.

Why should I go to Edmonton?

  • Edmonton is a relatively “new” city (barely 150 years old!) and the job market is booming.
  • It’s one of the sunniest cities in Canada after Calgary.
  • If you are a fan of outdoor sports and especially skiing, Edmonton offers easy access to the iconic Jasper and Marmot Basin mountain slopes.
  • Edmonton is close to many must-go Canadian destinations, such as Lake Louise, Jasper National Park, Banff…
  • The cost of living is much more affordable than in Vancouver or Calgary.

Just keep in mind that…

  • Edmonton is a great place to work and a smart home base to explore the region, but don’t expect much in terms of nightlife and cultural activities.
  • Winters are very cold, although the drier climate makes it more bearable than in the east.
  • You will need a car to get around.
  • There are no or fewer direct flights between many parts of the world and Edmonton, so expect a stopover and higher airfares.

For more info, read Everything you need to know about living, working and studying in Edmonton.

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En PVT au Canada de novembre 2021 à 2023, je répondrai à vos questions avec plaisir. Après un road trip en Amérique latine (Colombie, Bolivie, Pérou, Guatemala), je suis rentrée en France en juin 2024.

On a Working Holiday Visa in Canada from November 2021 to 2023, I will gladly answer your questions. After a road trip in Latin America (Colombia, Bolivia, Peru, Guatemala), I returned to France in June 2024.

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