- 28/12/14, 23:28 #21Bonsoir!
Alors comme vous tous ici j'ai fait ma petite demande de VISA et j'ai vu cette longue liste de documents qu'ils nous demandent de fournir.
Est-ce une obligation de fournir par exemple une preuve qu'on a bien les fonds nécessaires?
Parce que je vous avoue que je compte un peu sur mon salaire de janvier pour booster la chose, là c'est un peu juste pour moi!
J'espère ne pas recevoir de mail me demandant plus d'informations. ^^
- 28/12/14, 23:30 #22
- 28/12/14, 23:47 #23
- 28/12/14, 23:51 #24
- 29/12/14, 00:03 #25
- 31/12/14, 16:55 #26Bonjour a tous,
Suite a ma demande de visa WHV en ligne, après deux jours j'ai reçu un email me demandant une copie de mon passeport.
J'aimerai savoir comment faire pour envoyer la copie. par email ? ou via immaccount ?
merci d'avance
- 31/12/14, 18:26 #27
- 02/01/15, 12:19 #28Salut Rémi,
Hésite pas à regarder la 1re page de cette discussion et notamment ce post : https://pvtistes.net/forum/comment-o...tml#post923227
- 12/01/15, 08:50 #29Bonjour,
comme vous j'ai un problème pour mon visa. Ils m'ont envoyer un mail en me demandant de faire certifier mon passeport, j'ai donc photocopier certifier mon passeport a la mairie. J'ai ensuite scanner et envoie par mail. Bien entendu cela ne leur convient pas, il me demande de le numériser ! Est ce que quelqu'un peut m'aider. Merci
- 12/01/15, 10:11 #30
- 26/01/15, 19:27 #31AnonymeBonjour, j'ai mon VISA WHV pour l'Australie, et il y a des copies certifiées d'un certain nombre de documents à fournir. Si j'ai bien compris il faut aussi les faire traduire, car il est marqué "Documents not in English must be accompanied by accredited English translations."
Est-il vraiment indispensable de faire faire les copies certifiées demandées (+ traduction accréditée!!!), à savoir:
- copie certifiée du passeport, du moins les pages importantes "the biographical pages of the current passports "
- copie certifiée du certificat de naissance
- copie certifiée de l'attestation de fonds
car je n'en entends pas trop parler sur les forums...
On peut me refuser l'entrée en Australie si je n'ai pas ces docs à la douane?
(et désolée si je n'ai pas posté au bon endroit)
- 26/01/15, 19:30 #32
- 26/01/15, 23:54 #33AnonymeBonsoir,
De mémoire, vers la fin de la demande de Visa, voire une fois qu'on avait tout validé et que la demande avait été envoyée: en gros il y avait une "document checklist" (via un lien, dans un bandeau à droite), sur le site Australian Government:
J'avais sauvé la page, que voici:
Working Holiday visa (subclass 417) document checklist
Je crois comprendre maintenant que je n'ai pas besoin de fournir ces documents vu que mon VISA a été accepté (j'ai mail de confirmation)???
Si tu ouvres le lien:
Le début dit:
"You must provide documents to support your application for this visa. We can make a decision using the information you provide when you lodge your application. It is in your interest to provide as much information as possible with your application.
You must provide certified copies of original documents. Do not include original documents unless we specifically ask for them. Documents not in English must be accompanied by accredited English translations.
Use this checklist to make sure your application is complete."
et à la fin de la page:
"Your personal documents- Certified copies of the biographical pages of the current passports or travel documents of all people included in the application (these are the pages with the holder's photo and personal details and the issue/expiry dates).
- A certified copy of your birth certificate showing both parents' names. If you do not have a birth certificate and are unable to get one, you must provide a certified copy of the identification pages of at least one of the following documents:
- family book showing both parents' names
- identification document issued by the government
- court-issued documents that verify your identity.
- If your name has changed: a certified copy of evidence of the name change.
- Two recent passport-sized photographs (45 m x 35 mm).
- These photographs should be of the head and shoulders only against a plain background
- Print the name of the person on the back of each photograph.
- If you have served in the armed forces of any country: certified copies of military service record or discharge papers.
- Evidence of sufficient funds: certified copy of a bank statement showing you have access to funds of at least AUD 5000."
- 27/01/15, 20:32 #34
- 21/10/15, 15:19 #35Bonjour,
Je compte partir en Australie dans environ 3 semaines, j'ai donc fait ma demande de visa hier. Ce matin j'ai reçu un mail avec pour objet toute une suite de numéro et Request for more information. Je n'ai absolument rien compris du mail et des 2 pièces jointes.
J'ai fait une recherche sur le forum et les personnes ayant reçu ce mail sont celles avec des antécédents judiciaires, ce qui n'est pas mon cas. Mon casier judiciaire est vierge. Je ne comprends donc pas l'intérêt de ce mail. De plus il est précisé que je n'ai que 28 jours à compter d'aujourd'hui pour donner une réponse (à quelle question ?!).
Voici ci-dessous une copie du mail que j'ai reçu :
Department of Immigration and Border Protection
Dear Gwenaele
Please see the attached information.
If the instructions given ask you to provide further information, please upload your documents within the stipulated timeframe, using your ImmiAccount and the link below.
Attach documents to an online application
For your information: Our office is currently processing uploaded documents from:
- 15 October 2015 for Offshore WHM 1st Visa Applications
Any documents uploaded to your ImmiAccount will receive priority processing.
If you upload your documents there is NO need for you to send an email reply.
If, however, you find that you do need to send a reply by way of email, please do NOT delete any part of the subject line.
If your intended email relates to one of the following circumstances, please add one of the sorting codes shown below, to the email subject line:
Email Request options Sorting Codes If you have lodged Offshore Visa Application If you have lodged Onshore Visa Application Travel booked within 14 days TB********* TB******* Unable to upload supporting documents RF****** RF****** Health assessment details only MD******F MD******* Withdrawing WHM visa application WD*******FF WD*******
Yours sincerely
Position Number: *********
Visa Processing Officer
Working Holiday Maker Perth
Department of Immigration and Border Protection
Voici la 1ere piece jointe :
21 October 2015
Gwenaele FRANCE
In reply please quote: Client Name Gwenaele
Date of Birth 12 June 1994
Date of Visa Application 21 October 2015 Application ID
Transaction Reference Number EG********** File Number ************
Transmission Method Email sent to g***********@********.fr
Dear Gwenaele
Request for more information for a Working Holiday (Temporary) (class TZ) Working Holiday (subclass 417) visa
Processing your application I have begun considering your application for this visa and require additional information. A summary of the information required for each applicant and a more detailed description of each requirement is included in the attached Request Checklist and Detail attachment.
Timeframe for response You must respond to this request within 28 days after you are taken to have received this letter. You should provide your response in writing.
Please send your response to me using the contact details provided below.
As this letter was sent to you by email, you are taken to have received it at the end of the day it was transmitted.
If you do not reply within the timeframe specified above your application may be decided without the department taking any action to obtain the requested information. If you are unable to provide this information within this time you should contact us using the contact details provided below.
Information from another person or organisation In this request we have asked you to provide information from another person or organisation. You are allowed to take longer than the period specified above to provide this information to us.
You must provide us with evidence, within 28 days after you are taken to have received this letter, that you have requested the information from the other person or organisation. When the other person or organisation gives you the information you must then give it to us as soon as possible.
Your information – your privacy Your visa application contained a Privacy notice about how the department can collect, use and disclose your personal information, details of which would still apply to information provided as a result of this letter.
Withdrawing your application You can withdraw your application at any stage during processing. If any applicant wishes to withdraw their application, they must advise the department in writing. If a combined application was made, this advice can include any number of applicants or applications, but must be signed by each person aged 18 years and over.
Contacting this processing office We prefer contact with this office concerning your application to be electronic via our website. We try to respond to all online enquiries within seven (7) working days.
Please visit our website available at Visa support
Changes to your circumstances You are required to tell us about any changes to your circumstances that may affect any answer to a question in your application form including your name, passport, contact details, address or family members as soon as possible. This obligation continues until a decision is made on your visa application, or, if you are currently outside Australia, until you have arrived in Australia and passed immigration clearance. You are required to do this in writing and can use Form 1022 Notification of changes in circumstances (Section 104 of the Migration Act 1958), which is available at www.border.gov.au/forms/Documents/1022.pdf. Failure to notify the department of your new circumstances can have serious consequences and even if the visa you have applied for is granted, it may later be cancelled.
Client service information We value your compliments, complaints and suggestions. Your compliments let us know where we are performing well and your complaints and suggestions help us improve the services we provide.
Further information on our Client Service Charter and how to make a compliment, complaint or suggestion is available at Provide feedback
Yours sincerely
Monique Position Number: 60035327 Visa Processing Officer Working Holiday Maker Perth Department of Immigration and Border Protection
Attachment(s) Request Checklist and Details
Et voici la seconde :
Please provide the following documentation, information or action to process your application for a Working Holiday (Temporary) (class TZ) Working Holiday (subclass 417) visa.
All forms are available on the department’s website at Corporate information information/forms
If you are sending documents by mail or courier please do not send original documents unless requested to do so.
If you do not provide the information sought within time, or the information is unsatisfactory, your application may be decided based on the available information.
J'espère que vous pourrez m'expliquer ce qu'il en est, si possible rapidement, je compte sur vous!
Si vous avez besoin de plus d'info n'hésitez pas!
Merci d'avance.
- 21/10/15, 18:57 #36Si ça a vraiment rapport avec le casier judiciaire tu te serai pas tromper en cochant une case qu'il ne fallait pas ? ^^
Mais pour moi, tu as juste à te connecter sur ImmiAccount pour vraiment savoir se qu'ils te demandent normalement tu pourras cliquer sur " application documents ". Les pièces jointes explique que tu as 28 jours pour répondre au mail, après ces leurs explications à eux. Mais d'autres avis seraient les bienvenuesDernière modification par Jim02 ; 21/10/15 à 21:18.
- 22/10/15, 08:42 #37Oui, connecte-toi sur ton immiaccount et vois ce qu'ils te demandent, parfois ils demandent un scan du passeport, ça peut ne pas être très long à faire. Hésite pas à nous copier/coller ici la liste des documents à fournir.
- 23/10/15, 12:03 #38Tout d'abord merci Jim02 et Lilou pour vos réponses! Effectivement quand je me connecte un message apparait :
Information about who we are, our history, our ministers, fact sheets and forms
- Who we are
Information on senior staff of the Department. - Our history
Includes information on the history of our Department. - Our ministers
Information on the Department of Immigration and Border Protection Minister and Assistant Minister. - Fact sheets and forms
Includes information on fact sheets and forms.
Cela dit, je ne trouve pas l'adresse mail où je dois envoyer les documents car dans le mail que j'ai reçu il est marqué que je ne dois pas répondre à cette adresse. Une idée ?
Je pensais leur envoyer une copie de mon cv, de mon passeport, me présenter et leur expliquer ce que je faisais jusqu'à maintenant, pourquoi je pars en australie et ce que je compte faire à mon retour.
Pensez-vous que ce sera suffisant?
- Who we are
- 23/10/15, 12:46 #39
- 24/10/15, 11:56 #40
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