Discussion: [English] Tea Time

  1. #1
    Avatar de Pommette

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    Hi everybody !

    Tea Time, the perfect moment for blah-blah, speaking of everything and of nothing... like in real life !
    Why not ?

    So .. How do you do people ?

  2. #2
    Avatar de go_cel
    celine 35 ans

    Manjimup, Australie-Occidentale, Australie
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    Hi pommette!!

    I'm agree with you, tea time is the best moment to talk about something! But with internet we are no real tea and no real cake it's a problem!
    I'm fine today because we can see the sun in Paris today!! And you Pommette???

  3. #3
    Avatar de Pommette

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    God, time is so uncertain in Quebec at the moment. Rain and Sun, sun and rain.
    Even snowstorme few days ago at a friend's home.

    However, I'm fine. I'm always waiting for administrative paper. So... so long

  4. #4
    Avatar de Helene
    Hélène 7 ans

    Vancouver, BC, Canada
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    I guess you meant "weather", Pommette, not "time"!

  5. #5
    Avatar de Colossine
    Catherine 38 ans

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    It's tea time! Doesn't really matter if we use the right word, until there's no misunderstanding!
    However, the weather is really bad too (East of France). It's raining, unfortunately, it's not raining men .
    It's a bit late for tea time (about 9:30pm local time) but tonight, here, the dessert was : white chocolate home-made cake with raspberries.

  6. #6
    Avatar de Helene
    Hélène 7 ans

    Vancouver, BC, Canada
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    Message de Colossine
    It's tea time! Doesn't really matter if we use the right word, until there's no misunderstanding!
    However, the weather is really bad too (East of France). It's raining, unfortunately, it's not raining men .
    It's a bit late for tea time (about 9:30pm local time) but tonight, here, the dessert was : white chocolate home-made cake with raspberries.
    so i can speak very bad english and nobody is going to tell me that i am fourvoying myself talking shit?? Hum...
    Just remembered i had no dessert tonight...sorry, i have to leave now!

  7. #7
    Avatar de Colossine
    Catherine 38 ans

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    No reproach: it's a way to encourage everybody to participate, even if they don't speak (write) fluent English. If they think we correct every single little mistake, no one (or just a few) will come here to discuss.

  8. #8
    Avatar de Helene
    Hélène 7 ans

    Vancouver, BC, Canada
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    Message de Colossine
    No reproach: it's a way to encourage everybody to participate, even if they don't speak (write) fluent English. If they think we correct every single little mistake, no one (or just a few) will come here to discuss.
    I'm not the best english speaker here, and i'd appreciate if someone tells me that i'm using the wrong word or ...
    Depending on the way he or she tells me!
    So, Pommette, sorry if i've upset you correcting your "time", it wasn't my purpose at all!

    Feel free to come and speak here, no one is going to act like an english teacher!

  9. #9
    Avatar de go_cel
    celine 35 ans

    Manjimup, Australie-Occidentale, Australie
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    [I'm always waiting for administrative paper. So... so long [/QUOTE]

    You ask your permanent residence at Quebec? How long time you do live in Quebec?

    Colossine, your dessert was very delicious!!!! I never cook white chocolat cake and when i was read your message i wanted to eat your cake now!!!! If i go Canada i think that chocolat will miss me

  10. #10
    Avatar de Colossine
    Catherine 38 ans

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    Message de go_cel
    If i go Canada i think that chocolat will miss me
    I don't know if chocolate will miss you, but I'm sure you'll miss chocolate ! Isn't there any good chocolate in Canada ?
    In Australia, I'll miss French food too: bread, cheese... and white chocolate cake !

  11. #11
    Avatar de go_cel
    celine 35 ans

    Manjimup, Australie-Occidentale, Australie
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    Message de Colossine
    I don't know if chocolate will miss you, but I'm sure you'll miss chocolate ! Isn't there any good chocolate in Canada ?
    In Australia, I'll miss French food too: bread, cheese... and white chocolate cake !
    Oups! always i'm doing a mistake when i use this verb. I don't know why but maybe it's right " chocolat will miss me" because it's a big love story between us!!! I believe that the good chocolat is expensive in Canada.
    You can put chocolat in your luggage??? When do you go in Australia?

  12. #12
    Avatar de Colossine
    Catherine 38 ans

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    Message de go_cel
    I believe that the good chocolat is expensive in Canada.
    You can put chocolat in your luggage??? When do you go in Australia?
    Good chocolate is always expensive I don't know if we can put chocolate in our luggage... might depend on the country. The best is to check the customs website.
    Departure date for Australia : July 1st!

  13. #13
    Avatar de Pommette

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    Ho wow ! I am impressed !

    My ''Tea time'' 's working !

    Message de Helene
    I'm not the best english speaker here, and i'd appreciate if someone tells me that i'm using the wrong word or ...
    Depending on the way he or she tells me!
    So, Pommette, sorry if i've upset you correcting your "time", it wasn't my purpose at all!

    Feel free to come and speak here, no one is going to act like an english teacher!
    no worries, i'm not sad or upset or whatever. That's fine, thanks you for your corrections. that was a stupid mistake in fact.
    Like, you know, ''I know that but I forgot and write something else'' ?
    I am good in english, but it's been a long time that I have not practiced. So that's a good moment to do it !

    I agree, corrections can make somebody upset or not, it depend of the way it is said.

    You ask your permanent residence at Quebec? How long time you do live in Quebec?
    I actually ask for a new work permit and for my premanent residence at Quebec.
    I'm here since october 2011, but I've been here several times ago to visit my boyfriend

    hmmmmm belgian chocolate...

  14. #14
    Avatar de gaetan.d
    Gaëtan 35 ans

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    I just see the tea time, good idea
    So, for me, my english is pretty bad, I know. However, I'm in Toronto since two months and I haven't really improve my english for the moment. Will be better in few months.
    Never mind, about the tea, who offer the tea today?

  15. #15
    Avatar de Colossine
    Catherine 38 ans

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    Message de gaetan.d
    Never mind, about the tea, who offer the tea today?
    Even in Toronto, it's a bit too late for tea time! Or you should ask Pvtistes from Vancouver (not sure it's still tea time there).
    If you want to improve your English, you may start learning the lyrics of "The Lion King". You can begin with "I just can't wait to be king"

  16. #16
    Avatar de gaetan.d
    Gaëtan 35 ans

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    Oh, I love this song in French, I will listening this in english. Thanks for the advice

  17. #17
    Avatar de Colossine
    Catherine 38 ans

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    No matter French or English lyrics, my favorite song is "Hakuna Matata"!

    Envoyé depuis l'app pvtistes.net

  18. #18
    Avatar de gaetan.d
    Gaëtan 35 ans

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    I prefer "I can't wait to be a king"

  19. #19
    Avatar de go_cel
    celine 35 ans

    Manjimup, Australie-Occidentale, Australie
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    Message de Pommette
    I actually ask for a new work permit and for my premanent residence at Quebec.
    I'm here since october 2011, but I've been here several times ago to visit my boyfriend

    hmmmmm belgian chocolate...
    It's a good new!! I cross all my fingers for you!!! I must know Quebec since time so myabe you can have godd adress to visit, to see, to eat...

    You know Gaëtan my english is bad too! you are not alone!! It's not to difficult in Toronto with a english like us?? You work in Toronto?
    You can watch this movie in english???

  20. #20
    Avatar de Pommette

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    Message de gaetan.d
    I just see the tea time, good idea

    Message de go_cel
    It's a good new!! I cross all my fingers for you!!! I must know Quebec since time so myabe you can have godd adress to visit, to see, to eat...
    Thanks !
    Yes of course, I can probably give you some advices and adresses, but it depends where you live in Québec 'cause I don't already now everything (and I think that it won't happen)
    I love camping with my boyfriend. So I can also help you about beautiful places to see.

    Message de go_cel
    You can watch this movie in english???
    Yes, Every body can
    You've just to choose your language

    I love Walt Disney's cartoons. And Cartoon's in general.
    But voices or dialect are different in Quebec that in Europe. That's strange, I think that I won't be able to get used about that.
    My futur children will probably know better the European version that the other.

    However, I love watch tv and movies in english. This is a good way to learn.

    I don't know if you've already listen the song ''Everybody want's to be a cat'' from ''The Aristocat'' in english, but I think that the little girl voice is horrible.

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