Discussion: [English] Tea Time

  1. #21
    Avatar de gaetan.d
    Gaëtan 35 ans

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    Message de go_cel
    You know Gaëtan my english is bad too! you are not alone!! It's not to difficult in Toronto with a english like us?? You work in Toronto?
    You can watch this movie in english???
    It's not difficult... a little bit. I mean, I work in a restaurant, and I haven't the english vocabulary, so, it's more difficult... But for every day, it's okay, you can choose an other way to say what we want to say. And in a roommates, it's the best way to improve your english
    I can watch this movie in english? Oh, for sure I can, and I will.... Just need to buy it before.

    Mimi, I think quebec peoples love their accent. To have a quebec version (in French too), I think they just want to have fun
    For "everybody want to be a cat", I will listen this one

  2. #22
    Avatar de Pommette

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    Message de gaetan.d
    Mimi, I think quebec peoples love their accent. To have a quebec version (in French too), I think they just want to have fun
    And I love their accent too ! Otherwise, I would not fall in love with one from Quebec
    I said it's just strange when you listen the movies.
    But my futur children will probably know european and quebec version
    It will be funny !

    Message de gaetan.d
    For "everybody want to be a cat", I will listen this one
    You HAVE TO ! Good luck for your ears

    So... I'll boil myself a tea right now

  3. #23
    Avatar de Pommette

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    Hi Guys !

    I hope you're right !

    The weather is getting good !

    Next step is the swimming pool ?

  4. #24
    Avatar de Annana
    Annaïk 38 ans

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    Message de Pommette
    Next step is the swimming pool ?
    Hi everybody!

    I join your little chit chat! For me the next step is a BBQ afterwork, tomorrow with some of my colleagues! Near a lake (well, smaller than a lake but I don't know the word), so I could theoritically swim, but I think I'll pass for this time

  5. #25
    Avatar de Pommette

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    Message de Annana
    Hi everybody!

    I join your little chit chat! For me the next step is a BBQ afterwork, tomorrow with some of my colleagues! Near a lake (well, smaller than a lake but I don't know the word), so I could theoritically swim, but I think I'll pass for this time
    Hi Annaka and welcome to this little chat

    BBQ is a good step too. Mainly if it happens near a beautiful lake !
    I hope the weather will be with you !

  6. #26
    Avatar de Cazman

    Montréal, QC, Canada
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    Oh an English topic ! I like that
    It's the perfect place to write a few words in english (and also to make a lot of mistakes )

    So, what's up guys on this first Wednesday of June ?

    For my part, it's a good day in Toulouse : sunny and warm, like a perfect summer day

    This sunday, i'll go to Paris for "Journées Québec" exhibition which, i hope, could provide me a job in Montréal !

  7. #27
    Avatar de Colossine
    Catherine 38 ans

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    BBQ or swimming-pool ! Difficult choice ! Unfortunately here, I don't know anyone with a private swimming pool (certainly due to the weather ). And the public swimming pool is not as "summer atmosphere" as a private one. Let's go for a BBQ !

  8. #28
    Avatar de BMag
    Magali 41 ans

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    It's time to change the title of the discussion with "ice-tea" time !
    Swiming pool in Montreal will open soon ! Looking forward to lying in the sun in Parc Jarry, eating Ice Creams and doing nothing but speaking with friends.
    Summer is there guys !!

  9. #29
    Avatar de Annana
    Annaïk 38 ans

    Rennes, France
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    Message de Pommette
    Hi Annaka and welcome to this little chat
    hihi nice mix between my name and my alias cute!

    Message de Cazman
    This sunday, i'll go to Paris for "Journées Québec" exhibition which, i hope, could provide me a job in Montréal !
    What kind of exhibition is it? Mainly to present all the good reasons to go to Canada? There will be employers seeking for French workers?
    It's a good way to collect some contacts before you leave.

  10. #30
    Avatar de DavyBZH
    Davy 8 ans

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    Yes, there will be employers from Quebec, it's this weekend, annaik, Here is the link for this meeting Journées Québec - Accueil but registration are closed
    Dernière modification par DavyBZH ; 05/06/13 à 19:32.

  11. #31
    Avatar de Cazman

    Montréal, QC, Canada
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    Message de Annana
    What kind of exhibition is it? Mainly to present all the good reasons to go to Canada? There will be employers seeking for French workers?
    It's a good way to collect some contacts before you leave.
    Only a work exhibition, there'll be a lot of employers looking for French workers and i have a job interview on Sunday morning (which means no alcohol the day before, or not a lot to be honest )
    I hope that this interview could lead to a job (which could lead to a Young Professional work permit)

    And if it doesn't make it, i also could have some contacts like you said

  12. #32
    Avatar de carpe40
    Katell 46 ans

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    Message de Cazman
    which means no alcohol the day before,
    That will be very difficult or even impossible for you

    If you're looking at me, I'm outside

  13. #33
    Avatar de Annana
    Annaïk 38 ans

    Rennes, France
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    Message de DavyBZH
    Yes, there will be employers from Quebec, it's this weekend, annaik, Here is the link for this meeting Journées Québec - Accueil but registration are closed
    It's allright, I'm not interested in going to Canada for the moment!

    Message de Cazman
    (which means no alcohol the day before, or not a lot to be honest )
    No alcohol on a Saturday evening? Do you think you can handle that? JK

    -------------- Mise à jour de moins de 10 minutes --------------

    Message de carpe40
    If you're looking at me, I'm outside

    I'll follow you!!

  14. #34
    Avatar de Cazman

    Montréal, QC, Canada
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    Message de carpe40
    That will be very difficult or even impossible for you

    If you're looking at me, I'm outside
    Message de Annana

    No alcohol on a Saturday evening? Do you think you can handle that? JK

    I'll follow you!!
    Really ? I'm chocked
    What a bad notoriety you made to me

    Okay okay, all right, i will probably drink one or two beers but that's all, i have to be efficient Sunday morning !

  15. #35
    Avatar de Pommette

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    Message de Annana
    hihi nice mix between my name and my alias cute!
    woops... sorry Of course, I do it on purpose...

    Why not swimming pool and BBQ in the same place ?

    However, IceCream is a good idea too

    Message de Annana
    I'll follow you!!
    Hey ! Don't let me alone !

  16. #36
    Avatar de carpe40
    Katell 46 ans

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    Message de Cazman
    Really ? I'm chocked
    What a bad notoriety you made to me
    You've made your reputation yourself

    Okay okay, all right, i will probably drink one or two beers but that's all, i have to be efficient Sunday morning !
    It's for you not for me so you'll see ! but you're right it's better to be on your best !

    To take part of the "tea-time": in two months I'll be in Newfoundland and that idea make me feel good !!!

  17. #37
    Avatar de Pommette

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    Message de carpe40
    To take part of the "tea-time": in two months I'll be in Newfoundland and that idea make me feel good !!!
    Wow ! I never went there. I hope you 'll enjoy your travel !

  18. #38
    Avatar de Pommette

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    Ho no....

    It's raining today.. Where is my umbrellaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ?

    Personnaly I love rain, so... doesn't really matter for me

    Good luck a everybody who had to spend time to administrativ paper...

    Dernière modification par Pommette ; 07/06/13 à 02:25.

  19. #39
    Avatar de Cazman

    Montréal, QC, Canada
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    Hello guys !

    It's sunny in Toulouse today. 5 sunny days in a row, can you believe it ? It's amazing
    Er wait... We are actually in June so it's not amazing, but anyway we used to have a lot of rainy days so it's kind of amazing days

    By the way, i'm selling my stuff like my furniture, my clothes, etc.
    It's like a part of my life is leaving me, but it's only material and i keep a lot of memories even i'll be homeless by the end of June

    D-54... And counting...

  20. #40
    Avatar de go_cel
    celine 35 ans

    Manjimup, Australie-Occidentale, Australie
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    Ok i will see in the place and i am agree with you for roommates it's the best! Do you have search a long time to find a job at Toronto?

    I am happy to meet a people who like disney movies!!!!! What is your favorite disney???

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