Discussion: Discuter en anglais

  1. #21
    Avatar de Elodie7988
    Elodie 36 ans

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    Message de gaetan.d
    You are welcome Elodie to speak in English. We can maybe increase it
    Elodie, when do you think go to Montreal (It's write in your profile "destination Montreal" )? You are maybe already in Montreal.
    Thanks Gaetan, i'm already in Montreal for 2 months

  2. #22
    Avatar de Cedric

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    Pour cette histoire d'aller retour, Round Trip est aussi - voire même plus - utilisé que both ways

  3. #23
    Avatar de christinek
    christ 42 ans

    Moncton, Canada
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    It is a good idea to speak English , l think lot of people have no good English level. It is great😄

  4. #24
    Avatar de OzStefiOz
    Stephanie 40 ans

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    Pour le billet retour:
    I learned that when I was in London at the station. I had to go to Cambridge for a month and I wanted a return ticket. "Return" means aller-retour. So I said: "I'd like a return to Cambridge please."

  5. #25
    Avatar de gaetan.d
    Gaëtan 35 ans

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    Ok, first step in Quebec : learn to all English's people leaving in Quebec what "both way" or "round trip" will now call "Aller/retour"!
    Thank you Cedric for THESES informations
    So, for the flight, yeah t's crazy, but as I previously said, i haven't look in detail.
    Cedric, just for informations, can you say me the price of the insurance for a month for the Canada (aproximately of course).
    I will look movies in VO with subtitles too for the oral practice, but not sure to understand something (in oral).
    Stephanie, can you advise the choose of a book for improve engish skills?

  6. #26
    Avatar de OzStefiOz
    Stephanie 40 ans

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    Message de gaetan.d
    Can you give me this informations please?
    Many people do this mistake.
    Information: pluriel
    a piece of information: singulier
    Ne jamais mettre un "s" à information
    I would like to get information on this product: J'aimerais avoir des informations sur ce produit.
    It is the same for the word "advice"
    Advice: pluriel
    a piece of advice: singulier
    He gave me advice: Il m'a donné des conseils.

  7. #27
    Avatar de OzStefiOz
    Stephanie 40 ans

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    Message de gaetan.d
    I will look movies in VO with subtitles too for the oral practice, but not sure to understand something (in oral).
    Stephanie, can you advise the choose of a book for improve engish skills?
    I would recommend to buy 2 books, as I did: one for the vocabulary and one for the grammar. Both are important.
    For the vocabulary, in Cambridge edition, you have the book English vocabulary in use and in Oxford you have Oxford Word Skills.
    For the grammar, in Oxford edition, you have Oxford practice grammar.
    You should go to the Fnac to check by yourself and see which level you need.

  8. #28
    Avatar de Cé2811

    Verdun QC
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    It's very interesting!!!! Thanks Stephanie !
    Gaetan, you know with subtitles it will be not so difficult to undestand... And when you will be Familiar with this language, you could stop the subtitles !

  9. #29
    Avatar de gaetan.d
    Gaëtan 35 ans

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    Thank you Stephanie, I will order very soon
    Cedric, yeah, I will see, but for the moment, I will look (or look at? ) movies with subtitle.
    any idea? I don't know what can I look tonight (in VO of course).

  10. #30
    Avatar de OzStefiOz
    Stephanie 40 ans

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    Message de gaetan.d
    Thank you Stephanie, I will order very soon
    I work for the Fnac so tell them I told you about those books. I will earn more money if they know I bring more customers.
    I am just kidding.

  11. #31
    Avatar de gaetan.d
    Gaëtan 35 ans

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    But I think order on their website

  12. #32
    Avatar de OzStefiOz
    Stephanie 40 ans

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    Message de gaetan.d
    But I think order on their website
    Héhé. Ok, but if you have the opportunity to go there, go and check, because you need to choose the right book. The one that suits you the most.

  13. #33
    Avatar de gaetan.d
    Gaëtan 35 ans

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    OK. I'm not very eager, so I will try to go there next week

  14. #34
    Avatar de christinek
    christ 42 ans

    Moncton, Canada
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    Message de OzStefiOz
    I would recommend to buy 2 books, as I did: one for the vocabulary and one for the grammar. Both are important.
    For the vocabulary, in Cambridge edition, you have the book [I][COLOR=#0000ff]English vocabulary in use
    For the grammar, in Oxford edition, you have Oxford practice grammar.
    You should go to the Fnac to check by yourself and see which level you need.
    l have this book , it is very nice .

  15. #35
    Avatar de gaetan.d
    Gaëtan 35 ans

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    Today I'm reading "s'installer et travailler au Quebec". I hope find some informations in this one. I'm working with "Tell me more" for PC too, it's interactive.
    Someone has already gone to the Quebec? Have you got advice about what we must see?
    Dernière modification par gaetan.d ; 03/09/12 à 00:12.

  16. #36
    Avatar de Cé2811

    Verdun QC
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    Hello Gaetan !!!
    Sorry if I didn't answer sooner, but I'm working in an elementary school, so I had two big days at work.
    I've seen you asked for insurance before, so I think you have to see this part of forum https://pvtistes.net/forum/assurance...ur-le-pvt.html
    To answer your question about what see in Quebec, I don't know exactly... because there is a lot of things to see and visit in Quebec. There are the cities like Montreal or Quebec City, but the Laurentides, or region of Saguenay or Tadoussac, or north Quebec are very very interresting... It depends what you like and you want to see... nature... city... building... animals... you have the choice in Quebec !!!!!!

    I wish you find what you're looking for !!!
    Dernière modification par Cé2811 ; 05/09/12 à 15:46.

  17. #37
    Avatar de Arskoliad
    UbZ 43 ans

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    Hi everybody !
    I join your conversation, first to give an information to those who live at Rennes : each thuesday evening, there are meetings in a bar (O'Connels usually, but it seems that will change shortly), where people come from all around the world () to speak in english and take a drink. Beginning at 8:30 pm, until around 11:30 most of the time, everyone is welcome !

  18. #38
    Avatar de gaetan.d
    Gaëtan 35 ans

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    I'm sorry for my late reply, I'm in holliday, so, I'm not a lot on the forum.
    Céline, For the moment, I've just look at the Globe Partner insurance, but I will see other offers.
    I hope to see as much as possible from Canada. Of course I want to discover nature and animals. As all people, I will work in town (easier to find a job) and discover during "holiday".
    Arskoliad, thank you a lot for your proposal, I will contact you soon (when I will recome in Rennes), it can be very interesting

  19. #39
    Avatar de OzStefiOz
    Stephanie 40 ans

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    Message de OzStefiOz
    Many people do this mistake.
    Bah bravo Stéphanie, tu fais une belle faute en parlant de faute. :O_o: Ah la la ...
    To make a mistake
    Sorry guys I made a mistake, mais je me corrige

  20. #40
    Avatar de Helene
    Hélène 7 ans

    Vancouver, BC, Canada
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    Message de gaetan.d
    when I will recome in Rennes), it can be very interesting
    "When i'll come back" and "it could be very..." would better!

    That's a great idea those meetings in a Pub. I have such a better english when i get drunk! Sorry... That was an easy one...

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