Discussion: Discuter en anglais

  1. #1
    Avatar de gaetan.d
    Gaëtan 35 ans

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    Ayant un niveau assez moyen en anglais (niveau scolaire basique on va dire). Je me suis dis que cela pourrait être intéressant de discuter en anglais, soit en privée, soit directement sur un post, et eventuellement ce faire corriger par des personnes qui ont un bon niveau d'anglais. On pourrait parler du PVT, ou de n'importe quoi en fait, dans le but vraiment d'améliorer l'anglais.

    Voilà voilà

  2. #2
    Avatar de Cé2811

    Verdun QC
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    I think that is a good idea ! I don't Know what you want to talk about but I think that could be great to practice....
    I don't know my level so I'm not sure I can correct your mistakes but maybe I can try to help you
    see you

  3. #3
    Avatar de gaetan.d
    Gaëtan 35 ans

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    Thank you for your answer.
    We can talk about everything, rain and shain, PVT, or everything. I'm looking for a PVT to Quebec, for one year (a small year, I think 10 or 11 months, I don't know exactly for the moment).
    I want to go to the Quebec city in the first time, because it can be more easy to find a work, and to find an appartment (maybe a collocation), and that's a smaller city than Montreal, don't like a lot a very big city.
    Today I've look for the airplane ticket for Montreal... Wow, very expensive. I didn't really look, but that I've see was very expensive, arround 1000€ to go.
    I'm sorry, but I've I previous say, my english is very bad, and I must use google translate for certain words or phrases.

  4. #4
    Avatar de Cé2811

    Verdun QC
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    Hey !
    If you utilised a translator just for few words I think your English is not so bad !
    I just visited Quebec City when I was in Montreal in PVT, I loved Qc City but I remember said to me I didn't want to live in. Because there was less job, and was smaller, but if it's what you're looking for, so Why Not ? During your PVT you can change your destination as you want and many time you want.
    That I can say about Montreal is even you are in a big city, the life is sweet and you don't feel like in the french big cities. You can find an appartment in a quiet place being not so fare of center.
    For airplan tickets it depend of the moment in the year you want to go. Sometimes (like in january with air transat) it can be just 500€.
    I tking you will find all informations you are looking for in the forum... Good research !

  5. #5
    Avatar de Helene
    Hélène 7 ans

    Vancouver, BC, Canada
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    What??? Talking to me???You want me to go back to Paris??? Bon ça rappellera certainement qq chose à certains, les uatres devront chercher (ou pas...)

    I'm not a Queen in english but still, i can try to help!
    So: few mistakes in your message, have a look in the quote!

    Message de gaetan.d
    Thank you for your answer.
    We can talk about everything, rain and shain, PVT (it's WHV in english)!!or everything. I'm looking for a PVT to Quebec, for one year (a small year, I think 10 or 11 months, I don't know exactly for the moment).
    I want to go to the Quebec city in the first time, because it can be more easy to find a work, and to find an appartment =>flat(maybe a collocation(il n'y a qu'un L en français), and that's a smaller city than Montreal, don't like a lot a very big city.
    Today I've look for the airplane ticket for Montreal... Wow, very expensive. I didn't really look, but that I've see was very expensive, arround 1000€ to go
    I'm sorry, but I've I previous say, (as i previously said) my english is very bad, and I must use google translate for certain words or phrases.
    I hope i'm not making mistakes myself, trying to correct you! I Would be ashamed
    I'm really surprised about the price you're talking about. Are you sure of that? Maybe you should have a look here CLIC or try to land in MTL and then move to Quebec city.

  6. #6
    Avatar de OzStefiOz
    Stephanie 40 ans

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    Your English is quite good :thumbsup2: You talk about Google translator. Do you know this translator? I love this one. Dictionnaire français anglais | traduction français anglais
    I also think it is a very good idea to write in English. I wish more people were motivated to do so.

  7. #7
    Avatar de gaetan.d
    Gaëtan 35 ans

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    Thank you for your correction Hélène.
    About the price, I'm not sure, just look quickly. I've not take the time to look benefits, and I'm not press, I will not reserv the airplane before the answer of the embassy about the WHV.

    Céline, when have you do your WHV?
    I know I can change destination whenever I want, like the liberty of the WHV. I've see that there is work in Qebec city, maybe not as much as in Montreal. It's not so hard to find a job in the Quebec (like Montreal or Qc city)? I think come first in Montreal, so, don't know what I will do exactly after. I want to come with any money to live 1 or 2 months easily. Do you know the price of a flat in Montreal? I will maybe choose the solution of the collocation.
    Yeah Céline, of course I've read (and I'm reading) the forum in order to learn more informations.

  8. #8
    Avatar de gaetan.d
    Gaëtan 35 ans

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    Stephanie, few years ago I used reverso translator, but I prefered Google. But I've not try since.... Few years, so, next time I will try your translator
    Thank you, my english is maybe not so bad, but I think write in english can only increase my english (but not my very very bad accent :lol: )

  9. #9
    Avatar de OzStefiOz
    Stephanie 40 ans

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    Message de gaetan.d
    Thank you, my english is maybe not so bad, but I think write in english can only increase my english (but not my very very bad accent :lol: )
    Once you are in Canada, you will have time to practice your accent. When would you like to go there?

  10. #10
    Avatar de gaetan.d
    Gaëtan 35 ans

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    Yeah, but I prefer go to the Canada with a great vocabulary and phrasing
    I hope go to there in the next January / February So, in 6 months.

  11. #11
    Avatar de gaetan.d
    Gaëtan 35 ans

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    Just a question, I'm not inform about it. How much cost the insurance for the Canada (aproximately) a month?

  12. #12
    Avatar de OzStefiOz
    Stephanie 40 ans

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    In 6 months, so you have plenty of time to prepare. A year ago I bought 2 books (Oxford and Cambridge) with exercises because I wanted to improve my English. I was not at school anymore, so I had to learn by myself. I have never opened the book, but now I have to because I am going to NZ in November and I want to be able to have good conversations. I do not know if you do that, but a great way to improve your language skills is to watch movies and soaps in English with the subtitles.

  13. #13
    Avatar de Elodie7988
    Elodie 36 ans

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    Its a very good idea this conversation in English

    My English is not perfect too

  14. #14
    Avatar de Cedric

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    Une autre correction alternative avec des suggestions en vert en sus des deux autres déjà fournies (mais dont je ne garantis pas l’exactitude !)

    Message de gaetan.d
    We can talk about everything, rain and shain, PVT (WHV), or everything (something else). I'm looking for a PVT to Quebec, for one year (a small year, I think 10 or 11 months, I don't know exactly for the moment (i don't know yet).
    I want to go to Quebec in the first time, because it can be more easy (easier) to find a work, and to find an appartment (maybe a collocation) (flat sharing), and that's a smaller city than Montreal (this is), don't like a lot a very big city.

    Today I've looked (or I've been looking) for the airplane (flight) ticket for Montreal... Wow, very expensive. I didn't really look, but that (what) I've seen was very expensive, arround (around ) 1000€ to go.(both ways)
    I'm sorry, but I've I previous say (But as i've previously said), my english is very bad, and I must use google translate for certain words or phrases (sentences).

  15. #15
    Avatar de gaetan.d
    Gaëtan 35 ans

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    You are welcome Elodie to speak in English. We can maybe increase it
    Stephanie, when do you go to NZ? Yeah, I should read some English books with exercices, or without. Maybe read English books can improve my skills, but must find an easy book to read.
    Elodie, when do you think go to Montreal (It's write in your profile "destination Montreal" )? You are maybe already in Montreal.

  16. #16
    Avatar de gaetan.d
    Gaëtan 35 ans

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    Cedric, thank you.
    However I've some questions about your correction.
    First : "and that's a smaller city than Montreal (this is)" . Ou mettre ce "this is" je ne comprend pas bien ce qu'il remplace.
    I didn't really look, but that (what) I've seen was very expensive, arround (around ) 1000€ to go.(both ways). Le what remplace le that? Dans quel cas on met le what alors? Pour le both ways, pour moi cela signifierai "les deux voies", donc les deux vols. Je pense que tu parle pour un aller retour du coup c'est bien? Dans mon cas c'était juste pour un aller, m'enfin c'est juste pour connaitre la signification.

    Thank you for your correction. Can you give me this informations please? I think with a "basic" conversation, we can (only peoples who want and who haven't a perfect english) can improve his english.

  17. #17
    Avatar de OzStefiOz
    Stephanie 40 ans

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    Message de gaetan.d
    Stephanie, when do you go to NZ? Yeah, I should read some English books with exercices, or without. Maybe read English books can improve my skills, but must find an easy book to read.
    I told you when I was going to NZ in November. I can not wait. I am planning my trip to Singapour first. I arrive in Sing. at the end of October.
    If you are extremely motivated I would recommend books with exercises, vocabulary and grammar. 30 minutes or more (or less) each day and you will definitely improve your English level.

  18. #18
    Avatar de Cedric

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    So Gaetan, here we go for a few explanations

    Message de gaetan.d
    First : "and that's a smaller city than Montreal (this is)" . Ou mettre ce "this is" je ne comprend pas bien ce qu'il remplace.
    J'aurais tendance à dire "This is a smaller city" plutôt que "that's a smaller city" sans pour autant que je puisse le justifier grammaticalement (ça sonne mieux je trouve )

    Message de gaetan.d
    I didn't really look, but that (what) I've seen was very expensive, arround (around ) 1000€ to go.(both ways). Le what remplace le that? Dans quel cas on met le what alors? Pour le both ways, pour moi cela signifierai "les deux voies", donc les deux vols. Je pense que tu parle pour un aller retour du coup c'est bien? Dans mon cas c'était juste pour un aller, m'enfin c'est juste pour connaitre la signification.
    Both ways est une des traductions possibles d'Aller Retour comme tu l'as bien deviné, ce qui m'a paru logique en voyant le prix du vol (parce que 1000€ l'aller simple pour Montréal... Youhou !)

    Pour le changement what/that, j'suis pas forcément sur du mon coup, c'est encore au feeling

    Message de gaetan.d
    Thank you for your correction. Can you give me this (these, c'est le pluriel) informations please? I think with a "basic" conversation, we can (only peoples who want and who haven't a perfect english) can improve his english.
    Quickly done, with a certain pleasure but without being sure of everything (a native english speaker would be pretty useful around here !)
    Dernière modification par Cedric ; 02/09/12 à 00:08. Motif: Rectification linguistique ^^

  19. #19
    Avatar de Cé2811

    Verdun QC
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    For the oral practice, I looked TV shows in original version...(I don't know the real traduction of version originale).
    It helps for the understanding.... Less for the phrasing maybe...
    i did my PvT in 2009 from may 2009 to february 2010. I was in Montreal 9 month before I did a road trip in ouest Canadian (vancouver, calgary, edmontn, vancouver island...)... It was an amazing experience ! Now i would like have a JP to return in Qc on january.
    It's cool that people is interrested to talk in english...
    I'll apprecied correction too ;-)

  20. #20
    Avatar de Cé2811

    Verdun QC
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    By the way : thank you for the translation of "aller retour".
    I was looking for this word !!!!

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