Discussion: Discuter en anglais

  1. #41
    Avatar de Cé2811

    Verdun QC
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    To me, maybe if I drink a lot, I will try to talk english without be afraid. I never talk with people even my american family because I'm always afraid to be not understand, to make mistakes, so I practice my english at write, because I have the distance to protect me...
    And I don't know how could be my langage... So I think, one day "je devrais" try to drink a lot and I will be less "coincé"...

    Est-ce que quelq'un peut me dire comment formuler des phrases au conditionnel...
    Si j'avais, si je faisais, si je...
    Je devrais peut-être... Car je bloque sur ce mode là !
    Merci beaucoup d'avance :-)

  2. #42
    Avatar de Helene
    Hélène 7 ans

    Vancouver, BC, Canada
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    @ Cé2811: Maybe one day i'll be less shy (timide)/scared (effrayée)...
    I think i should try to drink once, and see what happens with my english!

    if you do that i guarantee you'll be less shy and won't think anymore about making mistakes or use the wrong word. And you know, most people really appreciates when you try to speak english, knowing it's not easy for you. If you let them know that you're waiting for help and corrections, they'll be glad to help.
    An australian guy told me, during a day trip together,, they do find very cute our accent and mistakes! Just as we find very cute english people trying to speak french...Good to know, right?
    The same guy just said to me, in french: "pomme, bleu, rouge, vert" and i was already in love... Efficient isn't it??

  3. #43
    Avatar de Cé2811

    Verdun QC
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    Thank you Helene for your corrections ! In my vocabulary I forgot "should"... But it's still useful ! ;-) I always knew I had to try to talk, especially with my family in California... But I dare not !
    I promess to try the Next time I'll have the opportunity !!! :-)

  4. #44
    Avatar de OzStefiOz
    Stephanie 40 ans

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    Message de Cé2811
    I always knew I had to try to talk, especially with my family in California... But I dare not !
    I promess to try the Next time I'll have the opportunity !!! :-)
    If I had this opportunity I would do it now. When I went to Cambridge for a month 3 years ago I was like you, I couldn't speak because I was afraid of making mistakes. I regret that. I swear I won't do the same in NZ and I look forward to having great conversations.

  5. #45
    Avatar de Cé2811

    Verdun QC
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    I think you are right ! I regret too. I think it's stupid to miss an opportunity to progress !

  6. #46
    Avatar de Helene
    Hélène 7 ans

    Vancouver, BC, Canada
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    Maybe you should both look for Pubs doing the same kind of meeting, talking english nights. It may exist in your town or nearby.

    @ Céline: you still have the opportunity to progress, so skype with you rfamily or email them! Come on!

  7. #47
    Avatar de Ayuno

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    I agree, it's hard at first to speak with english people.
    The good thing to start in my opinion, it's to speak in english with non english native people.
    Especially when they speak english as bad as you.

    During my woofing time, i met 2 japanese girls, with the same english level i had, and so it's more easy to speak english in this case.
    You do not feel stupid because they search theirs words like you !

    And after a couple months, it is more natural to speak english, and the shame has disappeared.
    Good luck

  8. #48
    Avatar de Helene
    Hélène 7 ans

    Vancouver, BC, Canada
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    Hey, buddy! No more shame for you, thank you Jim and Sue!!

  9. #49
    Avatar de isa
    isa est déconnecté

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    I'm not sure because then you don't take good habits and you don't hear a good english/american accent that allows you to make progress and enunciate better! I've got this friend who spent a whole year in England with korean friends, and his english is now even worse than it used to be!
    But I guess why not if you're really ashamed of your accent

    ps: when I drink and try to speak english, I'm even more confused, I think my english is more frenglish... but that's true the guys find it charming... well...

  10. #50
    Avatar de Helene
    Hélène 7 ans

    Vancouver, BC, Canada
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    You're charming all year long Isa, drunk or not!

  11. #51
    Avatar de isa
    isa est déconnecté

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    Message de Helene
    You're charming all year long Isa, drunk or not!
    Are you hitting on me?

  12. #52
    Avatar de Helene
    Hélène 7 ans

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    Message de isa
    Are you hitting on me?
    Do you want me to hit on you??

  13. #53
    Avatar de Ayuno

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    Message de Helene
    Hey, buddy! No more shame for you, thank you Jim and Sue!!
    Oh yeah, it was more difficult for me to understand Jim and Sue than most of people i meet in Vancouver.
    So it was a good training

    @isa : Yes sure, if you are just surrounded by people with a bad english, it's not good.
    In my case, i was surrounded by good english speakers, so i heard a good english.

    It's just at this time it was more easy for me to speak with japanese, because each other we don't speak fast.
    And yes, because i was ashamed of my accent too ! Not anymore

  14. #54
    Avatar de Helene
    Hélène 7 ans

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    I told you, living an helpexchange experience helps in many ways: 1st work experience in canada, improving your english, and getting confdent! A choice to make, for sure!

    How are you doing in Vancouver by the way?

  15. #55
    Avatar de Ayuno

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    Fine !
    Last week i worked in Community College of Vancouver.
    Just warehouse job and some weeding.

    It was a temp work, so i had to find a new job.
    And few days after, i found a cook job in Earls Robson.

    I start this week but i don't know what day yet.
    I hope i would do a good job, it will be my first time as cook !

  16. #56
    Avatar de Helene
    Hélène 7 ans

    Vancouver, BC, Canada
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    I'm sure you'll be doing great! If you want, you will, right?
    Do you enjoy living in Vancouver? Have you taken some time to visit the city yet?

    I just found this PDF: CLIC HERE It seems to be complete and interesting. I don't have time to read it all right now but maybe it could help.
    Dernière modification par Helene ; 12/09/12 à 11:37.

  17. #57
    Avatar de Arskoliad
    UbZ 43 ans

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    Regarding the result to speak english with no native speaker, it's surely true that's going to give you bad habits. However, I think the only true way to get strong proficiency in a foreign language is to live in the country, at least for few months. Meanwhile, talk with foreign people, even if english isn't there natural tongue, is a very good way to take to finding your words, making sentences, and the like, what is not always easy at first.
    About the english speaking session at Rennes, note that the next one will be on thuesday evening at the Buteco (24 Rue Legraverend 35000 Rennes) ! (and there are natural english speakers at this kind of evening !)

  18. #58
    Avatar de gaetan.d
    Gaëtan 35 ans

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    After a month, I'm now come back.
    Firstly, I'm sorry but I've not read all the post.
    Arksoliad, I think I will come soon to Rennes, but I don't think understand something. I watching vostfr movies, and I don't understand all

  19. #59
    Avatar de briiice
    Brice 42 ans

    Gaillon, France
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    Hi guys

    Speeaking english with native like ozzie s gonna give you a bloody fucking bad habits too

    But you will understand better and you will loose you accent a bit. It s still easier to talk to French or German but not so helpfull in my opinion.

    Quick question, i knew they was couples years ago in Paris some pub bars, organising meeting for people who would like to improve one language skills. It was possible to speak different language like, english, french, spanish, italian etccc. So do you guy know sort of place like that in Paris or better in Rouen (normandie) ?
    I d like to keep practising

    See ya bros

  20. #60
    Avatar de OzStefiOz
    Stephanie 40 ans

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    Message de gaetan.d
    I think I will come soon to Rennes, but I don't think understand something. I watching vostfr movies, and I don't understand all
    Don't worry about that! You need to keep watching movies in vostfr. It's a very good way to improve you English language skills.
    When I finished school I started watching movies in vostfr like you and I couldn't understand either. I thought: "What?! I have been learning English for years at school and my English is bad, I can't understand" I was sad. So I keep watching and now I can tell you that my English is good because I don't give up. So don't stop doing it and you'll see in a few months you'll be amazed by your improvement.

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