Discussion: Discuter en anglais

  1. #61
    Avatar de Helene
    Hélène 7 ans

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    Message de gaetan.d

    After a month, I'm now come back.
    Firstly, I'm sorry but I've not read all the post.
    Arksoliad, I think I will come soon to Rennes, but I don't think understand something. I watching vostfr movies, and I don't understand all
    "I'm back after" a month and "i'll soon come to Rennes but i don't think i'll understand everything"!

    ]Petit écart de langue, désolée: en fait, faut pas que tu formules tes phrases comme en français, Gaëtan ]

    Maybe you don't understand everything now, watching you movies in OV, but you'll get used to the accent, the words, how to build a sentence (not just translating word to word, french to english) and you'll be more and more confortable with it.
    You should try to watch some movies or TV shows you know very well in french and watch it in english, with the ST. I think you'll be less stressed to understand.
    Have a look, 2 or 3 messages upper, you'll find a pdf to improve your english

    Last advice (for now!), be patient, dude!

  2. #62
    Avatar de Cazman

    Montréal, QC, Canada
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    Hi ! I've just found this topic, and this is crazy, but i really want to improve my english !

    So, i think my level in english was quite good in the past because i used to work with German or Indian people and i could understand them and they could understand me even when i made big mistakes...
    But since 2010, i've worked only in french and unfortunately my level in english has decreased...

    Now, i'm still able to understand english when i read some news in english or when i see movies or TV shows in OV (unfortunately movies in OV are subtitled only in french in french movie theater...) but it's hard to write something or talk with someone easily, mostly because i'm still thinking in french and i often miss some vocabulary (or i don't use the right word...).
    For instance, it took about 20 minutes to write this comment...

    That's why i have to improve my english especially in expression... And that's why i'm here !

    When i'm looking for a word, i often use English to French, Italian, German & Spanish Dictionary - WordReference.com which i find very usefull !

  3. #63
    Avatar de Serieshome
    Lise 36 ans

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    Yes, why not talk in english. Like some of you, i'm not bilingual so it's always good to learn and english is not so difficult. I miss talk in english, I find it a nice language.

  4. #64
    Avatar de kosy_blondie
    Amélia 36 ans

    Montréal, QC, Canada
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    This topic is probably dead, but i found it really interesting !
    Tuesday, in my English class I make a presentation in front of 36 students, without any preparation, and it was a mess!

    So, if anyone is still interesting by talking in English, i'll love that ^^

  5. #65
    Avatar de carpe40
    Katell 46 ans

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    Message de kosy_blondie
    This topic is probably dead
    this one https://pvtistes.net/forum/english-s...a-time-13.html is not dead. So join us if you want to improve your english.

  6. #66
    Avatar de JimL
    Jim 54 ans

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    Hi, I just joined - My first language is english. Cinema and Travel are my passions. I hate winter. Every year I sublet my apt. in Montreal to visit a sunshine destination. South East Asia is my preference. I am a big fan of couchsurfing. This year is no exception. Leaving for Thailand Dec. 1st - placed an ad for a 4 month sublet if anyone is interested. Also looking for travel buddies

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