Discussion: [English] Tea Time

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  1. #181
    Avatar de JokeNowis
    Simon 33 ans

    Montréal, QC, Canada
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    It's so hard to describe it, moreover in English.
    It's a south French custom (from Spain), in a festive spirit around Corridas and bulls.
    The goal is to do party, to watch corridas and the Pégoulade, to hear some music groups, to eat paëllas, to drink, to dance, to enjoy the moment.
    A Féria is out of time !

    So, to resume if your mind is losts in the fog -> Google is your friend

    [if some people didn't understood...YES i'm a great Féria Addict ! ]

  2. #182
    Avatar de DavyBZH
    Davy 8 ans

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    Drink Sangria too ? I just hate the part with bulls, i hate people who hurts animals

  3. #183
    Avatar de JokeNowis
    Simon 33 ans

    Montréal, QC, Canada
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    Message de DavyBZH
    Drink Sangria too ? I just hate the part with bulls, i hate people who hurts animals
    No one Féria without Sangria !
    Nîmois' blood is sangria ;P

    So, we won't debate around this subject (or in French), 'cause it's one of the most sensitive i know.
    You're against hunting animals, and i totally agree.
    I'm a for the show, for the technic, even if Torero has to hurt and kill bulls.
    But see this animal suffering in the arena, i don't like so much.
    I'll never forget the first execution i saw...

  4. #184
    Avatar de DavyBZH
    Davy 8 ans

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    Yes it's awful, a beautifull animal killed like that, i can't. It's nice to see people in red and white. Why theses colors? Is there any significance?
    Dernière modification par DavyBZH ; 26/06/13 à 22:46.

  5. #185
    Avatar de JokeNowis
    Simon 33 ans

    Montréal, QC, Canada
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    Bull is killed after the last fight of his life, with lot of respect ; as a samuraï who would lost a fight/battle.
    You have to know that sometimes...he win.
    It's not easy to understand for an anti-corridas, i know it(i don't judge you, don't worry ).

    Aaaaaah, Red & White shirts !
    Bandanas, tee-shirt, pants...
    I don't remember why those colors.
    They're not Nîmes colors (Green & Red), maybe those of Camargue, i don't know (shame on me !!)

  6. #186
    Avatar de DavyBZH
    Davy 8 ans

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    No problem i understand, in my area there are traditions too and i don't know why they are wear this or that. I am from brittany that's all i don't speak breton or gallo, i don't play breton music and i don't know how to dance breton dance (shame on me too )
    Dernière modification par DavyBZH ; 26/06/13 à 23:01.

  7. #187
    Avatar de go_cel
    celine 35 ans

    Manjimup, Australie-Occidentale, Australie
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    Message de JokeNowis
    Looking who ?

    Oops, i did a mix between "Less sensual than Cuba's one " and "Cuba's more sensual"

    Watch this video:
    Show & Démo Salsa Cubaine et Salsa Portoricaine par Salsa Loca - YouTube

    1rst Part: Cuba
    2nd Part: Porto

    3:30 -> I love this moment

    I would mean for Salsa cuba,you can't dance with a line. You know what i mean? i don't talk english so it's difficult to say something!
    But your video it's very bizarre!! It's the firts time that i look a dwarf dance salsa!!! Wahou!!! it's very funny!!!!

  8. #188
    Avatar de JokeNowis
    Simon 33 ans

    Montréal, QC, Canada
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    Message de go_cel
    I would mean for Salsa cuba,you can't dance with a line. You know what i mean? i don't talk english so it's difficult to say something!
    But your video it's very bizarre!! It's the firts time that i look a dwarf dance salsa!!! Wahou!!! it's very funny!!!!
    Hmmm...i learnd that for Cuba you dance on a circle, and Porto on a cross.

    Hey, we all are here to improve us in English, so don't be disgusted

    Yeah, the video is quite humouristic and special, is for that i like it ^^

  9. #189
    Avatar de Pommette

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    Message de JokeNowis
    It's so hard to describe it, moreover in English.
    It's a south French custom (from Spain), in a festive spirit around Corridas and bulls.
    The goal is to do party, to watch corridas and the Pégoulade, to hear some music groups, to eat paëllas, to drink, to dance, to enjoy the moment.
    A Féria is out of time !

    So, to resume if your mind is losts in the fog -> Google is your friend

    [if some people didn't understood...YES i'm a great Féria Addict ! ]
    Well well... a good description of what the feria is. Thanks
    I'm sure to sleep well tonight now !

    Message de DavyBZH
    I just hate the part with bulls, i hate people who hurts animals
    I agree. Some traditions have to be revise, in my opinion. But change the people thinking is a difficult thing to deal with.
    The debate is still open, and since long time now i think.

    Message de JokeNowis
    Bull is killed after the last fight of his life, with lot of respect ; as a samuraï who would lost a fight/battle.
    You have to know that sometimes...he win.
    It's not easy to understand for an anti-corridas, i know it(i don't judge you, don't worry ).
    For me, the fact is: did the bull choose it himself ?
    I pass a long time with pro-corridas and anti-corridas people.
    And you can imagine when they are together, in the same place, talking about that

    Message de DavyBZH
    No problem i understand, in my area there are traditions too and i don't know why they are wear this or that. I am from brittany that's all i don't speak breton or gallo, i don't play breton music and i don't know how to dance breton dance (shame on me too )
    But man... What are you doing ?
    Who will teach us the breton dance now if you can't? ^^

  10. #190
    Avatar de DavyBZH
    Davy 8 ans

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    I don't like that music so i don't want to dance it. Where i live it's not like the west of brittany, here few people speak breton

  11. #191
    Avatar de JokeNowis
    Simon 33 ans

    Montréal, QC, Canada
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    It doesn't matter, we want to see you dance on this music =P

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  12. #192
    Avatar de DavyBZH
    Davy 8 ans

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    If i have my PVT, maybe one day i'll do a demonstration

  13. #193
    Avatar de JokeNowis
    Simon 33 ans

    Montréal, QC, Canada
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    Message de DavyBZH
    If i have my PVT, maybe one day i'll do a demonstration
    You will have, and you will do
    Choose your place: Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver...Gaspé xD

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  14. #194
    Avatar de DavyBZH
    Davy 8 ans

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    Toronto or Montreal i don't know for the moment. You want that i wear the traditional costume too?
    Dernière modification par DavyBZH ; 27/06/13 à 11:50.

  15. #195
    Avatar de JokeNowis
    Simon 33 ans

    Montréal, QC, Canada
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    Message de DavyBZH
    Toronto or Montréal i don't know for the moment. You want that i wear the traditional costume too?
    Oh yeah, you would sell me more than dream !! *_*

    Envoyé depuis l'app pvtistes.net
    Dernière modification par JokeNowis ; 27/06/13 à 22:35.

  16. #196
    Avatar de Annana
    Annaïk 38 ans

    Rennes, France
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    Message de DavyBZH
    I don't like that music so i don't want to dance it. Where i live it's not like the west of brittany, here few people speak breton
    Ok I have to clarify some things here! Coming from the "far" west of Brittany I can tell you that only some old people speak breton (and those who are in special school). I don't speak either, nor dance. But the "fest-noz" are quite popular that's true, and during these nights you can see all kind of people dancing It's not my cup of tea but it can be fun!

    Sorry my roots are speaking for me

  17. #197
    Avatar de DavyBZH
    Davy 8 ans

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    I lived in Morlaix (Montroulez in breton) for a while and there i knew lof of people who speak breton (old and young). Yes "fest-noz" or "fest-deiz". I have a friend who plays music for a bagad, he plays bagpipe : the bagad of Landerneau exactly.

    We have a hymn too : https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x9...c#.UcwMpJwSoik

    And a famous bagad, the bagad of Lan bihoue, it's the army https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIznjBGSGnQ
    Dernière modification par DavyBZH ; 28/06/13 à 14:14.

  18. #198
    Avatar de Pommette

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    Message de DavyBZH
    If i have my PVT, maybe one day i'll do a demonstration
    Ho god... I think that we'll remember that !

  19. #199

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    a few details...
    PVT aka WHV
    Bretagne aka (French) Brittany
    Breton as language stand as breton, you might have to precise it is a French dialect connected to Celtic (gaellic, spoken in Ireland and Scotland, maybe Welsh).

    For feria fan that does not want to see the death of the bull, Camargue offers a nice alternative known as scrappette. The idea is to grab with a comb like tool a pompom located on the head of the bull. Bulls with their pompoms are freed in the streets of ste maries de la mer. When and if the bull lost its pompom, it loses and is removed from the game, and freed back in the swamps a little later after a little one to one with a veterinarian.

  20. #200
    Avatar de JokeNowis
    Simon 33 ans

    Montréal, QC, Canada
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    Oh, nice sum up =)
    I'd like to add the unforgettable "Course Camarguaise" which is a good entertainment too

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