Discussion: [English] Tea Time

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  1. #61
    Avatar de LaylaB
    Layla 33 ans

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    I just looooooooove Le Chateau Ambulant! I love every single kind of japanease animation (maybe a little bit more the mangas....)

  2. #62
    Avatar de DavyBZH
    Davy 8 ans

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    I don't read manga but i watch lot of animes (fansub)

  3. #63
    Avatar de LaylaB
    Layla 33 ans

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    Message de DavyBZH
    I don't read manga but i watch lot of animes (fansub)
    Love the animes too! which one is your favourite?

  4. #64
    Avatar de DavyBZH
    Davy 8 ans

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    I think i prefer Naruto or One piece (i'm a fan of Luffy), but like too Major, One outs, Hajime no ippo, bleach, shijou, tenjou tenge, prince of tennis and other like evangelion, escaflowne, death note, gantz
    Dernière modification par DavyBZH ; 11/06/13 à 17:03.

  5. #65
    Avatar de LaylaB
    Layla 33 ans

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    That's funny, most of them are part of my list too!

  6. #66
    Avatar de DavyBZH
    Davy 8 ans

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    I have to pratice my english, i don't find my words, it's easier to read than to speak

  7. #67
    Avatar de LaylaB
    Layla 33 ans

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    Don't worry. Few weeks in Canada and your english will all be back!

  8. #68
    Avatar de DavyBZH
    Davy 8 ans

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    I hope too, i bought 2 books for thatn to learn and to improve my english (l'anglais de A à Z and Assimil)

  9. #69
    Avatar de LaylaB
    Layla 33 ans

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    You really are motivated! I think this is a good idea. But do not hesitate to watch series or movies in English. This is still the best way for me to understand but aslo to know how to pronounce words the right way.

  10. #70
    Avatar de DavyBZH
    Davy 8 ans

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    I watch lot of american series but with french subtitles, in this moment for example, i watch Grimm the second season. And i read books in english (IT books)

  11. #71
    Avatar de Pommette

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    Message de DavyBZH
    I watch lot of american series but with french subtitles, in this moment for example, i watch Grimm the second season. And i read books in english (IT books)
    You'll better trying to watch movies in english with english subtitles. In this way, you'll be able to associate words pronunciation with word writing.

    Also reading is a good idea !

    You'll see, practicing is the best way to become good in english ! Practicing, reading, watching, listening...

  12. #72
    Avatar de Annana
    Annaïk 38 ans

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    Message de Pommette
    You'll see, practicing is the best way to become good in english ! Practicing, reading, watching, listening...
    And speaking!! I think that's what we lack when we learn a language. Of course reading, watching etc is good to improve your English, but when you speak you have to think on how to make a sentence (and quickly ^^). You will feel your progress rapidly once you're there!

    Maybe speaking is what you mean by "practising" Therefore we both agree !

  13. #73
    Avatar de Pommette

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    Message de Annana
    And speaking!! I think that's what we lack when we learn a language. Of course reading, watching etc is good to improve your English, but when you speak you have to think on how to make a sentence (and quickly ^^). You will feel your progress rapidly once you're there!

    Maybe speaking is what you mean by "practising" Therefore we both agree !
    And Speaking !

    Of course ! How could I forgot that ?

    Thanks !

  14. #74
    Avatar de go_cel
    celine 35 ans

    Manjimup, Australie-Occidentale, Australie
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    Message de Annana
    And speaking!! I think that's what we lack when we learn a language. Of course reading, watching etc is good to improve your English, but when you speak you have to think on how to make a sentence (and quickly ^^). You will feel your progress rapidly once you're there!

    Maybe speaking is what you mean by "practising" Therefore we both agree !
    I'm agree with you! In my job we are foreign students and when i can talk with them i never to talk in english. It's like i am mute!! It's very horrible!!!!
    For the moment i'm trying to watch movies in english with subtitles and i'm listenning words in songs.

  15. #75
    Avatar de Cazman

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    Message de go_cel
    I'm agree with you! In my job we are foreign students and when i can talk with them i never to talk in english. It's like i am mute!! It's very horrible!!!!
    For the moment i'm trying to watch movies in english with subtitles and i'm listenning words in songs.
    I agree (without "be" ) may be more correct

    By the way, the best way to improve your english is practice, practice and practice !

    You can join some MeetUp group in your area ( Find Meetup groups near you - Meetup ), i think there's a lot of english conversation meetups in Paris, it could be a good way to talk with some native speakers and meet some english guys who can help you to improve your expression skills

    Don't worry of being stupid when you're speaking in english : making mistakes is the best way to correct them

  16. #76
    Avatar de DavyBZH
    Davy 8 ans

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    Nice your link and thanks for that Romain, i didn't know this website. I like your last sentence, I remember my ex when she was in France with me, she said she was afraid to speak french (she is brazilian), i though it was weird, but actually it was real, i feel the same sensation when i speak english now. The fear to not speak very well (i don't know how to say that), make mistakes
    Dernière modification par DavyBZH ; 13/06/13 à 13:22.

  17. #77
    Avatar de Annana
    Annaïk 38 ans

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    Don't worry about making mistakes, we all do. And if you don't try you won't get better. We all have this feeling of being stupid at the beginning, you want to say something but you don't know how, it's a bit frustrating but it will disappear after a few weeks.

    And even when you make mistakes people understand you so... keep speaking your way And the French accent is always charming to other people!

  18. #78
    Avatar de DavyBZH
    Davy 8 ans

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    Message de Annana
    And the French accent is always charming to other people!
    i heard that i want to check it now

  19. #79
    Avatar de carpe40
    Katell 46 ans

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    Even if we're making mistakes, I think people prefer that we're trying to speak in english instead of "Sorry do you speak french? because I don't speak english !... no ?!... euh... ok bye" Do you know what I mean

  20. #80
    Avatar de DavyBZH
    Davy 8 ans

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    Yes i do, i just need to pratice to be confident, i think after 1 month, every gonna be OK

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