13How about… somewhere else in Canada?


Ever heard of Kingston, Saskatoon, Windsor, Moncton or St. John’s? How about Moose Jaw, Red Deer or Kelowna?

There are hundreds of smaller towns to consider in Canada—and arguably, this is where you will find your “true” Canadian experience. Sure, Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver are amazing cities, and yes, you’re pretty much guaranteed to find a job and friends, but for a change of scenery and a fun adventure, go off the beaten track and follow your instincts, you won’t regret it.

Some Pvtistes members ended up spending months in unlikely places just because they stopped there one day and enjoyed it. Some had fun job opportunities because they were at the right place at the right time, often in remote locations.

So find your perfect place in Canada, then tell us about it!

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En PVT au Canada de novembre 2021 à 2023, je répondrai à vos questions avec plaisir. Après un road trip en Amérique latine (Colombie, Bolivie, Pérou, Guatemala), je suis rentrée en France en juin 2024.

On a Working Holiday Visa in Canada from November 2021 to 2023, I will gladly answer your questions. After a road trip in Latin America (Colombia, Bolivia, Peru, Guatemala), I returned to France in June 2024.

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