2How about… Vancouver (British Columbia)?

The “city of glass” is the perfect destination for nature lovers who want to enjoy both the ocean and mountains yet live in a very multicultural environment.

Why should I go to Vancouver?

  • Like Calgary or Toronto, Vancouver is regularly on the list of the most livable cities in the world (source). The people are friendly too, that’s the “West Coast” lifestyle!
  • Winters are less harsh in Vancouver than in Ontario or Quebec. If you’d rather have a milder winter, Vancouver is your best bet.
  • The job market is pretty good, especially in the tourism industry. Speaking French can be an asset in this part of the country where there are fewer French speakers.
  • Interested in a job in the movie industry? Vancouver, aka “Hollywood North,” is one of the top filming locations in Canada (… even if the movies or series are supposed to take place in the US!)
  • Vancouver is a very pretty city that has it all—an urban environment by the ocean with easy access to mountains and gorgeous wilderness nearby.
  • Outdoor enthusiasts will love the vibe and the many opportunities to bike, run, skateboard, hike, ski, surf and more.

Just keep in mind that…

  • The cost of living is very high, especially when it comes to housing.
  • “Raincouver” is, you guessed it, quite rainy.
  • It’s the place to be for outdoor activities, but there are fewer cultural activities than in Montreal, for instance.

For more info, read Everything you need to know about living, working or studying in Vancouver.

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En PVT au Canada de novembre 2021 à 2023, je répondrai à vos questions avec plaisir. Après un road trip en Amérique latine (Colombie, Bolivie, Pérou, Guatemala), je suis rentrée en France en juin 2024.

On a Working Holiday Visa in Canada from November 2021 to 2023, I will gladly answer your questions. After a road trip in Latin America (Colombia, Bolivia, Peru, Guatemala), I returned to France in June 2024.

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