Discussion: Exemples de CV canadiens anglophones
02/09/10, 21:49 #1
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Finance Administrative Assistant Resume Template
This resume sample for an Administrative Assistant specializing in finance is by Martin Buckland, Resume Expert for Monster.ca. On paper this resume example would be two pages, the acceptable standard length in Canada.
Source : Administrative Assistant in Finance Resume Sample | Monster
345 Humber Trail
Etobicoke, Ontario L4J 1A3
Phone: 905.888.1234
Email: [email protected]
Eva North, Q.A.A
Office Management - Department Coordination - AdministrationFinancial SectorPROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE
Meridian Credit Union (formerly Hepcoe Credit Union), Mississauga, Ontario
2001 - present
Administrative Assistant
- Held a key customer focused position at first Hepcoe location in Mississauga, providing first-line support.
- Acknowledged for tactfully and diplomatically providing exemplary customer service, patiently and methodically working with a demanding clientele to meet their diverse banking needs.
- Recognized for dealing with an above-average number of customers per day, between 35 and 55.
- Interacted with clients to inform them of various financial products available through the bank, including GICs, RRSPs, RESPs, credit lines, credit cards, foreign exchange, mortgages and loans.
- Processed cheque, credit card and cash payments through various accounts.
- Coordinated he schedule for Branch Manager responsible for overseeing the operations of two Meridian locations.
- Trained as a secondary Customer Service Representative, proving teller support during scheduled breaks and other absences.
- Planned branch events including Customer Appreciation Days, staff holiday party, employee meetings and the high profile RRSP Awareness Campaign.
- Requested to work on the transition team after merger of Hepcoe and Meridian Credit Unions, tasked with merging customer files and providing updated account records and ATM cards to expanded client base.
CIBC, Mississauga, Ontaria
Administrative Assistant
- Provided admin support to a 10 person community banking institution reporting to the Assistant Manager - Client Services.
- Complied and prepared various financial documents for presentation to the customer including: mortgages, RRSP and line of credit applications, and long term investments strategies.
- Interacted with irate and unhappy clients; worked judiciously to resolve their issues and maintain client loyalty to CIBC.
TD Bank, Burlington, Ontario
Marketing Secretary
- Scheduled and coordinated participation at various community events to promote the products including: trade shows, Business After 5 meetings, Chamber of Commerce luncheons and other local opportunities.
- Prepared various marketing initiatives for the two highly successful products capturing significant attention from consumers and media.
- Oversaw office administration for the 5 person Marketing Department; maintained office supplies, created client portfolio documentation and acted as relief Receptionist.
University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, 2009
Diploma - Qualified Administrative Assistant (Q.A.A)
Humber College, Toronto, Ontario
2004 - Effective Administration
2003 - Effective Communication
2002 - Time Management for Professionals
Association of Administrative Assistants - Toronto Chapter, Toronto, Ontario
Member 2002- Present
Oakville Humane Society
Secretary, Board of Directors, 2004-2009
This accounting manager resume template is by Martin Buckland, Resume Expert for Monster.ca. On paper, this resume example would be two pages, the acceptable standard length in Canada.
Source : Accounting Manager Resume Template | Monster
SAMJIT (SAM) SURPINDER, MA, CA88 Richmond Street, Vancouver, British Columbia V6Z 1C6Home: 604.888.1234 - Cell: 604.888.9998ACCOUNTING MANAGERCouples extensive financial knowledge with a strong foundation of business managementAmbitious, dedicated and disciplined business leader and financial champion, utilizes a proactive approach to overcome hindrances and implement prudent financial management. Compassionate team leader, mentor and coach, encourages personal and professional growth for all to succeed.Consensus builder, encourages open and frank dialogue, engages multiple stakeholders in consistently achieving results.
Core business competencies include:
- Executive Leadership
- Expense Planning & Control
- Budget Preparation
- Account Reconciliation
- Financial Analysis
- Office Management
- Resource Management
- Payables & Receivables
- Project Management
- Selection & Recruitment
- Performance Appraisals
Living Lighting Inc., Vancouver, British Columbia 2000 – present
Held the following 2 progressively responsible positions:
-Compile and present detailed monthly, quarterly reports for Senior Management perusal and act as the focal point in preparing year-end.
-Key member of the leadership team, administering all accounting functions for this commercial lighting manufacturer with $2.5 million annual revenue.
-Manage a 15-person team, encouraging personal and professional development of the culturally diverse department.
-Devised and deployed multiple cost-savings initiatives resulting in a 20% reduction in company expenditures.
-Partnered with the IT Department to implement a 10-month accounting system conversion from manual to automated computerized processing.
-Created and implemented accounting policies and practices supporting the new automated system.
Richmond Design, Richmond, British Columbia 1995 – 1999
-Reduced payroll processing time by 20%, saving $55,000, implementing an in-house payroll system, eliminating the need for an outside payroll provider.
-Led a major project transitioning all accounting aspects from MS Excel to Microsoft Dynamics GP (formerly Great Plains), completing assignment on time and under budget.
Green Bin Manufacturing, Kamloops, British Columbia 1993 – 1995
-Directed all bookkeeping functions for this 50-person manufacturer including: account receivable, accounts payable, payroll, journal entry, billing & collections, and monthly financial reporting.
-Calculated and submitted annual corporate income tax statement to Revenue Canada.
BC Imports Limited, Vancouver, British Columbia 1990 – 1993
-Supervised 3 employees responsible for Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable and Payroll Administration using ADP with full accountability for hiring, training, and performance assessment.
-Maintained the $1.5 million General Ledger encompassing Canadian, U.S. and Chinese currency transactions.
-Prepared internal and external financial and tax statements for review by corporate and external Audit Teams.
-Played a key accounting role on various project teams ensuring mandates completed in accordance with company financial guidelines and budgetary allowances.
Mills & Associates, Vancouver, British Columbia 1988 – 1989
-Processed weekly payroll using Corona Software for the 40-person staff complement.
-Assisted the Controller in preparing annual corporate tax returns and employee taxation documentation.
-Partnered with suppliers to reconcile a 55 day accounts receivable backlog.
Supervisory and Management Training Institute, Vancouver, British Columbia
Leadership Skills Seminar 2009
Management Coaching Skills 2008
Sexual Harassment Training 2008
Assertiveness Training 2007
Institute of Chartered Accounts of B.C.
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia
MASTER OF ARTS – Economics 1989
BACHELOR OF ARTS - Economics 1987
03/09/10, 14:56 #2J'ajouterais que s'inscrire sur Monster est quasiment inévitable (prévoir un courriel non sensible où l'on est prêt à recevoir de la scrap pour des jobs bidons ou du spam).
Une fois que vous avez rempli votre profil sur le web, il est possible d'exporter ça sous format word ou pdf dans une mise en page proche des exemples ci-dessus.
Il ne reste plus qu'à faire un peu de personnalisation et vous avez une très bonne base pour commencer à démarcher.
J'ai procédé de cette façon quand je suis arrivé et j'ai eu des retours positifs sur ce cv.
06/10/10, 20:35 #3salut, quand je veux m'inscrire on me demande le code postal, alors si vous pouviez me donner le cod postale de toronto svp car j'arriverais sur les lieux dans 2 semaines et j'aimerais bien anticiper merci
23/04/11, 02:58 #4Désolée si j'ai posté cette discussion au mauvais endroit, mais je n'ai pas trouvé ce que je cherchais...
Je suis en train de rédiger mon CV canadien anglophone et je me demandais si on devait préciser ses expériences en tant que bénévole/volontaire s'il s'agissait de refuges d'animaux, de traductions et d'écriture d'articles pour le droit des animaux (j'ai mis "animal welfare" et non pas "animal rights"). C'est en fait une cause qui me passionne, d'où l'importance de ma question .
J'ai fait pas mal de trucs (occasionnels) dans ce domaine et cela m'a permis d'acquérir une certaine expérience. Pour un employeur français, je ne le mentionnerais pas,mais peut être qu'au Canada ils voient ça différemment? Vous en pensez quoi?
Bon, après, c'est sûr que je fais pas sauter des laboratoires, mais quand même je me demande si c'est bien vu...
En espérant que ceux qui connaissent un peu le monde du travail canadien pourront me répondre...
Merci par avance!
23/04/11, 03:15 #5salut
tout dépend de la façon dont tu décris les choses.
tout comme travailler pour une entreprise qui fabrique des cigarettes, ne fait pas de toi un gros fumeur ...
tu peux mettre en avant les tâches effectuées, sans mettre en valeur le cadre et les activités de l'association/refuges.
23/04/11, 03:22 #6Bonsoir
Quelle rapidité!
Merci pour ta réponse!
Pour être plus précise, je copie/colle. En fait ça se limite au paragraphe suivant:
Writing articles for a blog based on sustainable development and social matters.
Occasional work in animal shelters (cleaning, maintaining, communicating).
Translating newsletters, articles and websites contents (ecology, health, animal welfare).
23/04/11, 03:44 #7ok cela ne me semble pas préjudiciable
je corrigerais :
Working occasionaly in animal shelters > conserver la même structure grammaticale pour toutes les lignes
12/09/11, 22:03 #8Bonsoir les gens, petite questions qui me tracasse!
En anglais écris je suis un peu à la ramasse donc je vais devoir faire traduire mon CV! Puis-je m'aider des exemples de CV francophones et le faire traduire ou entre CV francophone et anglophone il y a des différence ( présentation des compétences...)???
Merci d'avance de vos réponses!
12/09/11, 22:16 #9AnonymeLors de ma préparation de CV et de lettres de motivation en anglais j'ai regardé un document édité par McGill University.
Write a C.V. and Cover Letter
Il y a un guide très complet en anglais pour bien rédiger son CV et sa lettre de motivation. Dans le guide il me semble qu'il y a quelques exemples.
---------- Message ajouté à 16h16 ---------- message précédent à 16h12 ----------
Laura, dans ce que j'ai vu il n'y a pas de différence dans la structure entre les CV en français et en anglais. Par contre il existe de grosses différences entre les CV de France et ceux du Canada. Par exemple: pas de nationalité, statut marital, date de naissance sur les CVs canadiens.
12/09/11, 22:18 #10Merci pour le lien, mais mon problème d'anglais va de même pour la lecture!! Je vais quand meme essayer de me débrouiller avec!
Merci pour les infos suivantes!
12/09/11, 22:22 #11Ben entre le CV (resume) francophone canadien et anglophone y a pas de différences, c'est la même présentation et le contenu est le même. La différence se situe entre le CV français et le canadien.
Tu peux traduire, après faut faire attention aux expressions utilisées. Tu peux utiliser les modèles de CV où tu trouveras des expressions types.
Sinon dans les centres francophones, ils te font des fiches avec les CV dans les 2 langues, comme ça tu connais les expressions et leur traductions.
19/09/11, 22:34 #12Merci pour les infos ! Connais tu des centres francophones sur Toronto? Je voulais aller au collège boréal mais je ne sais pas si c'est le mieux et s'ils sont francophones?
20/09/11, 03:31 #13Oui collège boréal va t'aider. A ma connaissance je ne vois pas d'autres centre francophones dans Toronto.
sinon j'étais allée chez Access employment sur bathurst et college. C'est en anglais, mais je les avais personnellement trouvés plus efficaces.
02/11/11, 16:28 #14Salut!
J'avais une petite question dans la même veine! J'ai récemment refait mon CV "version canadien", avec une première version assez détaillée et une 2e version beaucoup plus épurée sur les conseils d'une amie.. Selon elle, pas besoin de détailler dans le CV ce que tu vas expliquer dans la lettre ou à l'entretien... qu'en pensez vous?
Allez je vous montre les 2 pour plus de concret..
La version détaillée
GALERIE XXXX Paris, France Internship 2009
Gallery Assistant
A commercial gallery that has been promoting modern art since 1976.
Et la version "épurée"
GALERIE XXX, 8 rue Charles Dupuis 75003 Paris 2009 6 month internship
Gallery assistant in a commercial gallery that has been promoting modern art since 1976.
I cataloged art works for inventory in Art Systems. Wrote press releases. Greeted guests and clients, assisted with questions and queries pertaining to artist and exhibition information.
Merci pour vos conseils!!
02/11/11, 16:43 #15
04/11/11, 13:37 #16Non c'est une amie qui habite à Toronto qui m'a dit ça! Mais elle est comédienne donc c'est surement spécifique à son domaine..
En tout cas ça fait une grosse différence: 1 page ou 2, et plus de chances de trahir un anglais aproximatif dans le CV détaillé.. je teste le CV en 2 pages et je vous en dirai des nouvelles!
10/11/11, 18:33 #17Bonjour,
Quelqu'un pourrait-il relire mon CV anglophone pour voir si je n'est pas fait d’erreur? (je ne sais pas si je suis dans la bonne section je ne poste donc pas mon CV avant d'avoir une réponse )
07/12/11, 16:09 #18bonjour, je m'appelle Tibo et je pars en Colombie Britannique vers fin janvier. Je vous fait parvenir mon CV Canadien en espérant quelques conseils en retour
. J'espère beaucoup trouver du travail dans le secteur de l'agriculture tel que planteur d'arbre ou cueillette de fruits pour changer complétement d'univers. Voilà, bonne lecture
Code postal – ville
Phone :
Nom Prénom
I’m studying business school in France, I want to stay a few month in British Colombia to confront myself with professional life, I am willing to work in all fields.
Ambitious, motivated, without fear of tough work, loving the work out, as a team and available throughout the year from February.
September 2011, Business school in Bordeaux, BEM ( Bordeaux Ecole Management ). Subjects studied: Communication, law, economy, Management, mathematical statistics, business ethics, business English.Education
June 2011, Bachelor of Accounting and Finance specialty Business. Other subjects studied in school: Economy, law, management, communication.
March 2011, Waiter at Café BELLO, Broadstairs, England. Responsible for taking orders and serve customers.
May 2010, Administration at CRUS et DOMAINES DE FRANCE, wine merchant at Bordeaux.
December 2009, Administration at CRUS et DOMAINES DE FRANCE, wine merchant at Bordeaux.
August 2008, Administration at BNP Paribas, Le Bouscat.
November 2006, Administration at QUIEN & Cie, wine merchant at Bordeaux.
December 2011, Work at Simply Market in Bordeaux, as a teammates of Commerce. Shelving products and apprentice baker.Professional’s experiences
July 2010, Work at Chateau Jeandeman for green harvesting. Leaf thinning, suckering and picking grapes.
-International license.Qualifications and skills
-Computer skills: Word, Excel, internet.
-Skills in baking.
Member of the association TSF (Tivoli sans frontiers) which organizes humanitarian missions in the countries of Black Africa:Associations
- First mission in February 2011 in Burkina-Faso: I had to raise money for organizing the trip and to pay the material to help build a house teacher and rehabilitation of a canteen.
Used to practice karate for seven years.Activities
Play tennis for six years.
Play rugby and soccer.
06/01/12, 18:58 #19Bonjour,
Vous trouverez ci dessous mon CV canadiens pour être conseiller de vente dans un supermarché ou autres. Pouvez vous me dire tout ce que vous en pensez svp ? sachant que mon niveau d'anglais n'est pas top top. Voila. Merci d'avance pour votre lecture.
ps : Ne faite pas attention à la mise en page, il s'agit d'un CC via word. Merci
Enthusiastic, willing to learn and adaptable professional, develops relational skills throughout advising in order to help customers and ease their choices by trying to understand their needs, but also by sharing knowledge. Compassionate team worker, encourages open and frank dialogue, always looking for new approaches to satisfy my professional curiosity and to gain always more experience.
- Very good relational, open minded and team worker
- Force of proposition
- Trained to develop skills in sales, respecting the need to advice, inform and identificate each customer’s need.
- Good analysis capacities, using graphics to report on sales, bugdet…
- Organizational and concentrational qualities
- Knows how to put the emphasis on the products displayed in each department thanks to detailed merchandising studies.
- Good adaptability skills, flexible in terms of working hours.
- Velocity and punctuality
LEROY MERLIN : Jaux, 60880 Oise, FRANCE
(Every summer, from 2006 to 2010)
Activities: Sales of building materials, tools, electrical items, flooring, bathrooms, decoration & garden supplies
- Saving prices and identifying products in the cash register (automatic or manual procedure)
- Managing cash registers, checking the customers’ payments
- Totalizing the incomes and filling documents in relation with the accounting department
- Products and prices labeling
- Cleaning up the desk
- Putting in sight every written information which could respond to the customers’ needs
Improved and breed qualities
- Velocity
- Punctuality
- Organization and concentration
- Disponibility, courtesy and discretion
- Flexibility
Ø LEROY MERLIN : Jaux, 60880 Oise, FRANCE
From April 2009 to May 2009.
DEPARTMENT STORE CLERK (tools department)
- Welcoming the customers and give them advices whenever it is necessary
- Offering help
- Analyzing the customers’ needs
- Complete sales respecting sales procedure (prices, discounts and cheapness, payment conditions)
- Take orders for customers
- Achieve business (conclure les affaires) and follow orders execution (prices, delay, product conformity and payment.)
- Set items in display and manage promotion actions in the department.
- Managed stocks
Improved and breed qualities
- Advises qualities
- Good organisation
- Relational senses
Ø LEROY MERLIN : Jaux, 60880 Oise, FRANCE
From February 2009 to March 2009
DEPARTMENT STORE CLERK (placement in tools department)
- Participate in increasing the department’s turnover by selling more products and adapting them to the customers’ needs.
- Reorganizing the department’s products and prices labeling for promotional actions.
- Reorganizing the displayed items: real merchandising work.
- Communicating with the customers in order to help and advise them.
Replacing obsolete products by the latest incoming products
Ø La Brosse et Dupont, Roissy CDG, VAL D’OISE 95 (FRANCE)
(from 02/11/2010 to 31/10/2011)
Ø Senior Media, Nanterre, Haut de Seine, 92 (FRANCE)
(from September 2010 to end of September 2010)
Work Placement :
Ø Licensee Plus, Compiègne, Oise, 60200 (FRANCE)
(from 01/2010 to 06/2010)
Ø Axa Assurances, Compiègne, Oise, 60200 (FRANCE)
(from 04/2009 to 06/2009)
2010/2011: Bachelor degree in Marketing and Customer Relationship
Business School “Sup Career” (INSEEC Group), Paris 75019 (FRANCE)
2009/2010: Bachelor degree in International Trade
College of Advanced Technology (IUT), Lille - 59000 (FRANCE)
2008/2009: Associate Degree of trade technique
College of Advanced Technology in Creil, Creil, 60100 (FRANCE)
2006 : Baccalaureat ES
French: First language
English: Intermediate level
Spanish: Fluent
ITC Skills:
Pack Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Access, frontpage),
Salesforce CRM
Practice of biking and martial arts. I love to play music, more precisely drums and percussions.
Travelling through foreign countries, discovering new landscapes, cultures and ways of life.
09/01/12, 16:52 #20Bonjour,
Comment vous traduiriez baccalauréat en anglais ?
Merci d'avance pour vos réponses :-)
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