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  1. #201
    Avatar de Orca8
    Marlène 38 ans

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    Message de ouzmotozolobombey

    I think I should have looked for a job several months ago and not wait WHV.
    Yeah Journées Québec hire a lot of people for IT. You really should to apply to it, next session is on May 30-31

  2. #202
    Avatar de ouzmotozolobombey
    Damien 36 ans

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    Message de Orca8
    Yeah Journées Québec hire a lot of people for IT. You really should to apply to it, next session is on May 30-31
    I know, i'm register.

  3. #203
    Avatar de Cazman

    Montréal, QC, Canada
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    Message de ouzmotozolobombey
    Do you work in job computing Cazman ?
    Yes I do !

    I work in BI (Business Intelligence) with SAP so it's a very specific part of IT

    Message de ouzmotozolobombey
    I know, i'm register.
    You have to choose :
    - I registered if you already has
    - I'm registering if you currently are doing this right know

  4. #204
    Avatar de Lili_03
    Olivia 29 ans

    Montpellier, France
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    Message de petit_rhino
    FYI it's 'I did tutoring'

    NO ONE is proficient in every domain. All jobs have their specific vocabulary. It's the same in France.
    What you can do now is try to improve your vocabulary for the type of jobs you'd want to do, so you'll be more comfortable when you start looking for a job.
    Thank you for this advice, I'd like to work as a flight attendant, I'll try to find some useful vocabulary on the web, but do you know some interesting site where I can learn specific vocabulary ?

  5. #205
    Avatar de petit_rhino
    Flo 43 ans

    Orléans, France
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    Message de Lili_03
    Thank you for this advice, I'd like to work as a flight attendant, I'll try to find some useful vocabulary on the web, but do you know some interesting site where I can learn specific vocabulary ?
    I know a good online dictionary. English to French, Italian, German & Spanish Dictionary -
    And google is your friend.

  6. #206
    Avatar de Lili_03
    Olivia 29 ans

    Montpellier, France
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    Message de petit_rhino
    Thanks a lot buddy

  7. #207
    Avatar de jennifercressent
    Jennifer 31 ans

    Versailles, France
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    Message de ouzmotozolobombey
    No WHV ...
    Welcome in the club 😔

  8. #208
    Avatar de ouzmotozolobombey
    Damien 36 ans

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    Message de Cazman
    You have to choose :
    - I registered if you already has
    - I'm registering if you currently are doing this right know
    I registered.

    Do you are SAP administrator ? I don't really know what's this.

    Message de jennifercressent
    Welcome in the club 😔
    Ah :/ . We'll go with a visitor visa probably, with my girlfriend. I looking for a IT job. And you, what do you planned ?

    pffff f*** WHV, i know somebody who was getting 4 visas. 3 last year and 1 this year. And me, i can't submit just 1. pfff

  9. #209
    Avatar de Orca8
    Marlène 38 ans

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    Message de Lili_03
    Thanks a lot buddy
    Linguee is a good site too Linguee | Dictionnaire franais-anglais

  10. #210
    Avatar de jennifercressent
    Jennifer 31 ans

    Versailles, France
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    Message de ouzmotozolobombey
    Ah :/ . We'll go with a visitor visa probably, with my girlfriend. I looking for a IT job. And you, what do you planned ?
    I think I'll try to go there by suscribing to a language stay but this includes a lot of money so a crédit
    I can also try to find a job there but I don't think there will be a lot of opportunities, I'll see! I'll probably go to the Journées Quebec at the end of may to see if there's any chance to find an employer.
    Or maybe I'll try the US, I don't need any visa to go there at least...

    Message de ouzmotozolobombey
    pffff f*** WHV, i know somebody who was getting 4 visas. 3 last year and 1 this year. And me, i can't submit just 1. pfff
    This is f*****g unfair...

  11. #211
    Avatar de petit_rhino
    Flo 43 ans

    Orléans, France
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    Message de ouzmotozolobombey
    I looking for a IT job. And you, what do you planned
    I am looking for an IT job.
    And you, what do you have planned
    OR what are you planning

    Good luck with the job hunting! I hope it goes well.

    Message de Orca8
    Linguee is a good site too Linguee | Dictionnaire franais-anglais
    I use linguee a lot for expressions, as opposed to single words. It's a great site too.

    Message de jennifercressent
    Or maybe I'll try the US, I don't need any visa to go there at least...
    Unless I'm missing something. You don't need a visa to visit Canada (or do a little volunteering with HelpX or Workaway), but you do need a visa to work or volunteer in the US.

  12. #212
    Avatar de Orca8
    Marlène 38 ans

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    Message de petit_rhino
    I use linguee a lot for expressions, as opposed to single words. It's a great site too.
    Yeah i use it more for expressions and formula too
    WordReference was my main online dictionnary for a very good while. But now i use more Linguee since last year

  13. #213
    Avatar de ouzmotozolobombey
    Damien 36 ans

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    Message de petit_rhino
    I am looking for an IT job.
    And you, what do you have planned
    OR what are you planning

    Good luck with the job hunting! I hope it goes well.
    My god :'(

    How i can found a IT job in English-speakers provinces with my english ? :/

  14. #214
    Avatar de petit_rhino
    Flo 43 ans

    Orléans, France
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    Message de ouzmotozolobombey
    My god :'(

    How i can found a IT job in English-speakers provinces with my english ? :/
    Your English is not too bad. It's understandable and that's the most important thing. Correct grammar takes times. I hope you don't get discouraged by our corrections, we only do it so you can progress.

    Plus IT has its own specific language that neither English nor French. You'll be fine.

  15. #215
    Avatar de ouzmotozolobombey
    Damien 36 ans

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    Message de petit_rhino
    Your English is not too bad. It's understandable and that's the most important thing. Correct grammar takes times. I hope you don't get discouraged by our corrections, we only do it so you can progress.

    Plus IT has its own specific language that neither English nor French. You'll be fine.
    I'm not discouraged, i'm enthusiastic
    TY for your corrections everybody.

  16. #216
    Avatar de jennifercressent
    Jennifer 31 ans

    Versailles, France
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    Message de petit_rhino
    Unless I'm missing something. You don't need a visa to visit Canada (or do a little volunteering with HelpX or Workaway), but you do need a visa to work or volunteer in the US.
    Luckily I have the double nationality: french and american so I don't need a visa
    Message de ouzmotozolobombey
    How i can found a IT job in English-speakers provinces with my english ? :/
    There's an English proverb that says: "Practise makes you perfect". The more you will talk in English, the more you will become fluent ;-)
    And as petit_rhino said earlier, your English is understandable, that the main point!

  17. #217
    Avatar de Cazman

    Montréal, QC, Canada
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    Message de jennifercressent
    And as petit_rhino said earlier, your English is understandable, that the main point!
    I confirm that point !
    Okay i'm in Montreal BUT I work in a company in which about 60 to 75% are english spoken people ! That's also mean I have to speak, read, write in english all day long.

    And during my interviewes, i was told that the most important thing is to be understandable ! Even if you does a lot of mistakes, by the way a lot of french quebec people make big mistakes even in french... Sometimes it really hurts me as a French guy

    Obviously, the more you will be with customers, the better should be your english but as a backend work or inside a company like me, it doesn't really matter to make perfect sentences

  18. #218
    Avatar de isa
    isa est déconnecté

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    It's funny because you've got something else to know: bilingual doesn't necesseraly means the same thing in Québec. At my job in Montreal, a colleague asked me if I was bilingual -I'm not-. In my opinion, bilingual means I should know how to translate "cul de jatte", and I think very few people are bilingual.
    He told me he was and then grabbed his phone for a call conference in english.
    Oooooh boy! He was certainly very confident about his level of language, which is a good thing, but the whole call was hurting my ears. So I got that I might be, in fact, bilingual too :-D

  19. #219
    Avatar de GaylordD
    Gaylord 36 ans

    Montréal, QC, Canada
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    I'm working in IT field too and I confirm we have our own vocabulary. The point, as mentioned before, is to be understable except if you are in touch with CEO or other board members to who you're trying to sale a project. In such case you need to be confortable with language subtleties.

  20. #220
    Avatar de petit_rhino
    Flo 43 ans

    Orléans, France
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    Message de isa
    In my opinion, bilingual means I should know how to translate "cul de jatte", and I think very few people are bilingual.
    While I agree that a lot of people say they are bilingual, when they are what I'd call fluent, bilingual people aren't walking dictionaries. 2 of my best friends grew up learning both English and French (parents of different nationalities) and they were terrible at translating on the stop.

    My own definition is a person who speaks both languages as well and also knows the country's culture (expressions, references to specific tradition or media...).
    Not sure what the official definition is though.

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