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  1. #241
    Avatar de RemyT
    Remy 39 ans

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    Message de TTorSightView
    Hi everyone,

    Thanks to the Vancouver Official Ambassador, this is the first time I've seen this thread. Even though I'm more interested in Toronto (please don't break my leg ), I've been through all pages and I think it's a great initiative you had here. Anyway, I'm still in the WHV pool waiting for an invite to come since I don't have the same chance as lingi or RemyT. There are still lots of spots available along the year to have faith though
    Hey Joe and thanks for your word too

    Everyone here is motivated to go abroad with one reason (or more), no doubt
    Hoping you'll get the precious thing too (even if you have to be patient every day).

  2. #242

    Paris, France
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    Message de RemyT
    Hey Joe and thanks for your word too

    Everyone here is motivated to go abroad with one reason (or more), no doubt
    Hoping you'll get the precious thing too (even if you have to be patient every day).
    Yeah hope so... The issue is not really about being patient cause I'd like to go eventually for spring 2017. It is more about not knowing what to do next. Paperwork in France need to be prepared like hell so it takes time. That's why I'd like to know if I should focus on trying other ways. I might wait until the end of the second quarter to launch other alternatives which could delay the departure for some months or even a year.

  3. #243
    Avatar de Lola10
    Lolita 35 ans

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    Hi guys,

    First, thanks to Yoshi45 to post the link of this discussion in "Le défouloir" because I didn't know there was a place where we can practice English

    I'm on the waiting list for the WHV, I'd like to go back to Toronto. I was there during 3 months in 2015 for an internship and I felt in love with the city. Then, I went to Quebec City for my studies, such a charming place but I'd rather be in Toronto to live in because of the multiculturalism and the possibility to speak daily English and even Spanish with the friends I've met there.

    I hope we all gonna have what we want, unfortunately places are limited but keep the faith guys

  4. #244
    Message de Lola10
    Hi guys,

    First, thanks to Yoshi45 to post the link of this discussion in "Le défouloir" because I didn't know there was a place where we can practice English
    Same here, I didn't know about this discussion! If I knew about it I would have left the french discussion from time to time to get some fresh air, because it's more difficult to argue in English when it's not your first language!

    I just noticed that you live in Switzerland. I have family there, I've been to Switzerland several times and I enjoyed being there.

    Good luck to you and @TTorSightView

  5. #245
    Avatar de Lola10
    Lolita 35 ans

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    Message de lingi
    I just noticed that you live in Switzerland. I have family there, I've been to Switzerland several times and I enjoyed being there.
    Hi Lingi, yeah totally agree with you. And yes I live between Bern and Neuchatel, Switzerland is great, not only for money obviously, but also for the landscapes, some places even look like Canada.

    Message de lingi
    Good luck to you and @TTorSightView
    To you too! Thanks!

  6. #246
    Avatar de vans

    Argenteuil, France
    1 743
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    Hey people !

    I'm joining this part of the forum which seems to be more peaceful.
    As some of you know I'm on the waiting list for the Canadian WHV and it is sometimes hard to wait because you don't know what's next and what to do as Joe said.

    I'd like to go to Ontario, in Ottawa I think in the beginning, maybe Toronto, to improve my English
    I went to Quebec city and Montreal a few years ago on vacation, for summer festivals.

    Wait & see

  7. #247
    Avatar de RemyT
    Remy 39 ans

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    Message de vans
    Hey people !

    I'm joining this part of the forum which seems to be more peaceful.
    As some of you know I'm on the waiting list for the Canadian WHV and it is sometimes hard to wait because you don't know what's next and what to do as Joe said.

    I'd like to go to Ontario, in Ottawa I think in the beginning, maybe Toronto for the language.
    I went to Quebec city and Montreal a few years ago on vacation, for summer festivals.

    Wait & see
    Hey Vanessa

    For sure, that's not easy to wait to have the WHV because everyone wants to get it
    But don't be confused about the English because people to Toronto are used to understanding you (and if you speak another languages, it'll be interesting too)

  8. #248
    Message de vans
    I'm joining this part of the forum which seems to be more peaceful.

    Message de Lola10
    Hi Lingi, yeah totally agree with you. And yes I live between Bern and Neuchatel, Switzerland is great, not only for money obviously, but also for the landscapes, some places even look like Canada.
    Yes it's true! I've been to Vancouver once and the swiss landscapes with the mountains and the Lake Leman make me think about Vancouver a lot.

  9. #249

    Paris, France
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    Message de lingi

    Yes it's true! I've been to Vancouver once and the swiss landscapes with the mountains and the Lake Leman make me think about Vancouver a lot.
    Always heard Switzerland is great and beautiful. Never been there yet though.

  10. #250
    Avatar de Lola10
    Lolita 35 ans

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    Message de vans
    Hey people !

    I'm joining this part of the forum which seems to be more peaceful.

  11. #251
    Avatar de Lola10
    Lolita 35 ans

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    Message de lingi
    Yes it's true! I've been to Vancouver once and the swiss landscapes with the mountains and the Lake Leman make me think about Vancouver a lot.
    Yeah, I've been in Switzerland for the past 4 years, not continuously because I've lived in England and Canada, but still, I've settled myself in Switzerland everytime I came back from my travels and lately, I just discovered some amazing pictures on Instagram about Switzerland and at first, I thought the pictures were taken in Banff and actually not, it was in Switzerland. There are amazing places everywhere. This is so bad that we live in such a wonderful world but with such ugly things happening.

  12. #252
    Avatar de RemyT
    Remy 39 ans

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    There are so many ways to improve ourself in a language (English or not English, that's the question) : You can make a lot of contact when you're arrived in a country for the first time, you can practice it with your families / friends, you can watch movies, you can listen music, you can read and so on

    At least, we can say this : " In our life, we have so many things to learn even if we know things "

  13. #253
    Message de Lola10
    There are amazing places everywhere.
    I need to visit Switzerland more "seriously". Everytime I go there I stay in the same areas (Vevey, Montreux) and I just enjoy being there. But I don't try to see more and to know more about those cities and others places around. This year I'll try to be a good tourist

    Message de Lola10
    This is so bad that we live in such a wonderful world but with such ugly things happening.
    Yes that's the sad reality we have to live in.

    And I can't even imagine how people who have to live in countries where terrorist attacks happen regulary (like at least once a week) can overcome this. They must be psychologically destroyed when they are lucky enough to be alive.

    Message de Lola10
    to speak daily English and even Spanish with the friends I've met there.
    You learned spanish in Toronto thanks to your friends? If so that's great! I love hearing people speaking spanish but I hated learning it when I was younger (I think my spanish teachers traumatized me...).

    I was thinking about trying to learn some brazilian portuguese while being in Toronto, even if English is my first goal (and one of the official language of Canada as we all know... )

    I hope I'll meet some brazilian people to be friend with and to practice this language with them.

    Message de RemyT
    " In our life, we have so many things to learn even if we know things "
    I agree. Life is a learning process, as someone probably already said one day
    Dernière modification par lingi ; 23/03/16 à 00:03.

  14. #254
    Avatar de RemyT
    Remy 39 ans

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    Message de lingi
    I need to visit Switzerland more "seriously". Everytime I go there I stay in the same areas (Vevey, Montreux) and I just enjoy being there. But I don't try to see more and to know more about those cities and others places around. This year I'll try to be a good tourist

    Yes that's the sad reality we have to live in.

    And I can't even imagine how people who have to live in countries where terrorist attacks happen regulary (like at least once a week) can overcome this. They must be psychologically destroyed when they are lucky enough to be alive.

    You learned spanish in Toronto thanks to your friends? If so that's great! I love hearing people speaking spanish but I hated learning it when I was younger (I think my spanish teachers traumatized me...).

    I was thinking about trying to learn some brazilian portuguese while being in Toronto, even if English is my first goal (and one of the official language of Canada as we all know... )

    I hope I'll met some brazilian people to be friend with and to practice this language with them.

    I agree. Life is a learning process, as someone probably already said one day
    So how ? That's the truth, no doubt hehe
    From my side, I know speaking Spanish too...not fluently but I can lead a conversation into it hehe (I know a few words in another languages too )
    I'll say I'm in love of languages

  15. #255
    Avatar de vans

    Argenteuil, France
    1 743
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    Message de RemyT
    There are so many ways to improve ourself in a language (English or not English, that's the question) : You can make a lot of contact when you're arrived in a country for the first time, you can practice it with your families / friends, you can watch movies, you can listen music, you can read and so on

    At least, we can say this : " In our life, we have so many things to learn even if we know things "
    I have a Polish friend and I speak English with her but it's not enough. I need a complete immersion, preferably with native speakers.
    I can read and write properly but I think I have a lack of vocabulary when it comes to speaking
    And I watch movies, TV shows in original version of course, it can't be otherwise

    So I need.that invitation

  16. #256
    Avatar de RemyT
    Remy 39 ans

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    Message de vans
    I have a Polish friend and I speak English with her but it's not enough. I need a complete immersion, preferably with native speakers.
    I can read and write properly but I think I have a lack of vocabulary when it comes to speaking
    And I watch movies, TV shows in original version of course, it can't be otherwise

    So I need.that invitation
    You're not the last to want to live the complete immersion to discover the country and to practice the English
    You don't have to be confused about a lack in vocabulary...but at least, you appreciate languages too (as me and others hehe )

    Indeed...and then, you'd drink the champagne hehe

  17. #257

    Paris, France
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    Message de RemyT
    There are so many ways to improve ourself in a language (English or not English, that's the question) : You can make a lot of contact when you're arrived in a country for the first time, you can practice it with your families / friends, you can watch movies, you can listen music, you can read and so on

    At least, we can say this : " In our life, we have so many things to learn even if we know things "
    Exactly! I always said I would learn the Signs Language but never really tried. This looks really great and very helpful. I wish I could some day.

  18. #258
    Avatar de petit_rhino
    Flo 43 ans

    Orléans, France
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    Message de TTorSightView
    Exactly! I always said I would learn the Signs Language but never really tried. This looks really great and very helpful. I wish I could some day.
    I studied French Sign Language for a few years a long time ago. American Sign Language is supposedly quite close to French Sign Language so learning it when I'm in Canada would definitely be something I'm interested in.

    However there are tons of things to learn and we can't choose them all. Not sure what my priorities will be once I move to Canada.

  19. #259
    Avatar de RemyT
    Remy 39 ans

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    Message de TTorSightView
    Exactly! I always said I would learn the Signs Language but never really tried. This looks really great and very helpful. I wish I could some day.
    Hey Joe, how is it goin' ?

    When I see these words from you, I see you're ambitious as everyone
    Also, you can say yourself " It's never too late to do what I like "

  20. #260

    Paris, France
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    Message de RemyT
    Hey Joe, how is it goin' ?

    When I see these words from you, I see you're ambitious as everyone
    Also, you can say yourself " It's never too late to do what I like "
    Well, everytime I face deaf people trying to communicate, I see how brave they are. The more I see that, the more I think life might be hard for them. I'm someone who quite enjoy where he stands even though I've some ambition hence my Toronto project. But I can't really say my goal here about SL is ambition. It's more like a willingness.

    Message de petit_rhino
    I studied French Sign Language for a few years a long time ago. American Sign Language is supposedly quite close to French Sign Language so learning it when I'm in Canada would definitely be something I'm interested in.

    However there are tons of things to learn and we can't choose them all. Not sure what my priorities will be once I move to Canada.
    I guess there are some deaf association in Toronto. So I might go to one of these giving my help in exchange for some courses. Firsts things first : get the WHV .
    Dernière modification par TTorSightView ; 23/03/16 à 16:00.

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