1. #21
    Avatar de KevinTramp
    Kevin 31 ans

    Saint-Brevin-les-Pins, France
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    Message de Yoshi45
    If you come to Vancouver you can see games in Seattle. The Mariners play at Safeco Field, with its open roof. Access is easy as stadium is in downtown (which is not often the case in US cities). Seattle is a young and promising team coming out of a good season close to a playoff spot, and is indeed a team to watch during the next few years.

    In Vancouver you can see the Vancouver Canadiens, at Nat Bailey Stadium. It's Minor League games but they were champions in 2012 and 2013. stadium is located close to Quenne Elizabeth Park, located 15 minutes from downtown by bus.
    I need to see all those things. Need that freakin' WHV !
    I remember when I went to the Yankees Stadium to see 'em against Red Sox ! Was crazy ! And I got so good tickets !
    Didn't know that Canada was playing baseball. Great news

  2. #22
    Avatar de Yoshi45

    Vancouver, BC, Canada
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    Message de KevinTramp
    I need to see all those things. Need that freakin' WHV !
    I remember when I went to the Yankees Stadium to see 'em against Red Sox ! Was crazy ! And I got so good tickets !
    Didn't know that Canada was playing baseball. Great news
    Baseball is a minor sport in Canada. You have a lot of fields to play with friends but the only MLB team is based in Toronto. Hockey is clearly the sport number one in town, and then soccer (Vancouver Whitecaps), then football. Basketball and baseball are not so popular.

    This weekend there is the Davis Cup first round between Canada and Japan in Vancouver.

    And in July the women's world cup of soccer will end in Vancouver with the final.

  3. #23
    Avatar de KevinTramp
    Kevin 31 ans

    Saint-Brevin-les-Pins, France
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    Message de Yoshi45
    Baseball is a minor sport in Canada. You have a lot of fields to play with friends but the only MLB team is based in Toronto. Hockey is clearly the sport number one in town, and then soccer (Vancouver Whitecaps), then football. Basketball and baseball are not so popular.

    This weekend there is the Davis Cup first round between Canada and Japan in Vancouver.

    And in July the women's world cup of soccer will end in Vancouver with the final.
    Soccer, again ? C'mon ! I'm tired of that sport. Everywhere, everytime. Let's change !
    Hope I'll get a chance to try Hockey ! The real one ! I've never played on ice or watched a game.
    Boy, I'm so excited now ! Wanna go there so bad ! VANCOUVER ! !

  4. #24
    Avatar de ouzmotozolobombey
    Damien 36 ans

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    Hi guys how are you ? I sarted to work at 6am. I have no time for read your post right now but i noticed you talk about sports. I was basketball player during 12-13 years. I stopped cause my scheduled is painful. I practice bowling sometimes, i like this sport, he's very difficult and requieres very goods skills. I was really atletic before, I ran and ran and ran again, by accumulating kilometers day after day. One day I ran 19 kilometers it's not world record but it was a good performance. But after I did't walk during 3 days.
    Now i'm a big idler and big "patapouf"
    I'll come back later for tell the rest of my life.

    C U and have fun !

  5. #25
    Avatar de Orca8
    Marlène 38 ans

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    Heyyy what a good idea right there :3
    The funny thing when we speak english is that we're more talkative and more open to talk about ourselves.
    I write a lot in english but i need moar speaking. When i was in the US last year i sputtered pretty much in some spontaneous discussions. But the last day in Montreal at the airport i talked for about 25 minutes with the lady who drove the courtesy vehicle. No sputter, just a fluent conversation, as i was talking in French. I was pretty happy of the easiness.
    So you guys talking about sports :3 Baseball is a slow sport, so much that you can sleep on it lol And the atmosphere in a baseball stadium is very calm though.
    I wish i could see an american football game, that seems wayyyyy better!

  6. #26
    Avatar de KevinTramp
    Kevin 31 ans

    Saint-Brevin-les-Pins, France
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    Message de Orca8
    Baseball is a slow sport, so much that you can sleep on it
    C'mon ! Kiddin' me or what ?
    Baseball is a quiet game. Agreed. It's about strategy. But it ain't a easy game.
    My host dad used to say that american football was for "pussies". 'Cause it ain't like Rugby ! They have protections and all that useless stuff. In a way, I agree with him.
    Nevertheless, it's still a interesting sport game. Better than soccer, for sure ! (Sorry Yoshi45)

  7. #27
    Avatar de PoupeiiLiloo
    katia 33 ans

    Montréal, QC, Canada
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    I like watching sports but I prefer watching Hockey, and I love practice ice skating.

    In February 2014, I watched an NBA game at Madison Square Garden (offered by my family for my birthday) is really impressive, I didn't konw where to look between the game and the public. lol

  8. #28
    Avatar de Orca8
    Marlène 38 ans

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    Message de KevinTramp
    Baseball is a quiet game. Agreed. It's about strategy. But it ain't a easy game.
    I agree but the players don't often hit the ball at the first throw, so you're waiting for something to happen with that big silence in the arena.
    But i observed that a lot of kids play baseball with their dad in parks in Montreal. Even teens and adults who play at the week-end or at the end of the day after work or school. There is a good atmosphere, very familial vibes

    Message de PoupeiiLiloo
    In February 2014, I watched an NBA game at Madison Square Garden
    Geez how huge! I wish i could watch NBA game too and maybe hockey but i know the tickets are expensive

  9. #29
    Avatar de PoupeiiLiloo
    katia 33 ans

    Montréal, QC, Canada
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    Message de Orca8
    Geez how huge! I wish i could watch NBA game too and maybe hockey but i know the tickets are expensive

    I love sooooo much my family

    It was fantastic ! The Madison Square Garden is magic ! I think that this gift was the best of all.

    At home ( Dammarie les Lys dans le 77) we have a small hockey team " Les Caribous",
    they are D4, I could see their match for free, and I really love it !
    I hope to watch a game in Canada, I think it's extraordinary,
    even if the tickets are expensive, they eat pasta for 1 month. lol

  10. #30
    Avatar de ouzmotozolobombey
    Damien 36 ans

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    I don't like very much hockey . Maybe one day i shall go to see a F1 Globe PVT to visit F1 teams and approach the cars. And MMA fight. This martial art is really mad !! But both are f*** expensive.

    Message de ouzmotozolobombey
    I wrote F1 Grand Prix ... Not F1 Globe PVT

    I don't like very much hockey, soccer either... for mercy's sake don't kill me !!
    Dernière modification par ouzmotozolobombey ; 05/03/15 à 13:54.

  11. #31
    Avatar de PoupeiiLiloo
    katia 33 ans

    Montréal, QC, Canada
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    Message de ouzmotozolobombey
    Now i'm a big idler and big "patapouf"

    I would like to do bobshleig like rasta rocket

  12. #32
    Avatar de ouzmotozolobombey
    Damien 36 ans

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    I shall will complain. I think the title of this post is not appropriate. "How to relax.." Sorry i can't calm down. I'm scared. Really!! But i believe in me. In fact i have a question : When WHV will be open ?

    Message de ouzmotozolobombey
    I would like to do bobshleig like rasta rocket
    I will just have to carry you on my back.

  13. #33
    Avatar de PoupeiiLiloo
    katia 33 ans

    Montréal, QC, Canada
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    Message de ouzmotozolobombey
    Envoyé par ouzmotozolobombey
    I think there is a problem ! A big problem! I'm not ouzmotozolobombey !

    Message de ouzmotozolobombey
    I'm scared. Really

    Me too

    Message de ouzmotozolobombey
    When WHV will be open ?
    one day ... one day

  14. #34
    Avatar de jennifercressent
    Jennifer 31 ans

    Versailles, France
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    Hello everyone!

    Message de PoupeiiLiloo
    I would like to do bobshleig like rasta rocket
    Practicing Bobshleiging seems to be really cool! Do you think that it actually exist in Canada?

    Message de ouzmotozolobombey
    In fact i have a question : When WHV will be open ?
    I think that's what we're all wondering... This month I hope! Tomorrow would be perfect ah ah Only in my dreams I know...

    PS: Nice idea you had Katell to create a talk in English! It's a nice way to practice and improve it while we're waiting for the WHV - and getting stressed

  15. #35
    Avatar de PoupeiiLiloo
    katia 33 ans

    Montréal, QC, Canada
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    Message de jennifercressent
    Hello everyone!

    Message de jennifercressent
    Practicing Bobshleiging seems to be really cool! Do you think that it actually exist in Canada?
    I think, why not .

    Message de jennifercressent
    This month I hope!
    I hope too ...

  16. #36
    Avatar de jennifercressent
    Jennifer 31 ans

    Versailles, France
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    Message de PoupeiiLiloo
    I hope too ...
    Let's have our fingers crossed! Unfortunately, that's the only thing we can do for now!

  17. #37
    Avatar de PoupeiiLiloo
    katia 33 ans

    Montréal, QC, Canada
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    Message de jennifercressent
    Let's have our fingers crossed! Unfortunately, that's the only thing we can do for now!

    YES !
    But, I have the WHV ... I hope for my love because I have to go to Canada in September.

  18. #38
    Avatar de ouzmotozolobombey
    Damien 36 ans

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    Message de jennifercressent
    Let's have our fingers crossed! Unfortunately, that's the only thing we can do for now!
    Do you leave in Phoenix ?

    Can i pay for get WHV ?? How much does it cost ?

  19. #39
    Avatar de jennifercressent
    Jennifer 31 ans

    Versailles, France
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    Message de PoupeiiLiloo
    But, I have the WHV ... I hope for my love because I have to go to Canada in September.
    Wow Lucky you! I hope he'll get a WHV, that'd be great! Are you going to apply this year too?

    Message de ouzmotozolobombey
    Do you leave in Phoenix ?
    Ah ah no I don't! I was born in Phoenix but I grew up and still live near Versailles!

  20. #40
    Avatar de PoupeiiLiloo
    katia 33 ans

    Montréal, QC, Canada
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    Message de jennifercressent
    Wow Lucky you! I hope he'll get a WHV, that'd be great! Are you going to apply this year too?
    Thanks ! Yes, but if he have his Working holidays visa, he would have 2 years and I one year.
    So we will have found a solution for me to stay another year. Perhaps a second WHV if possible.

    Message de jennifercressent
    Ah ah no I don't! I was born in Phoenix but I grew up and still live near Versailles!
    Ho a friend in " Ile de France"

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