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  1. #121
    Avatar de Yoshi45

    Vancouver, BC, Canada
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    Message de ouzmotozolobombey

    Where do you leave ?
    Lesson 2:

    LIVE and LEAVE

    Where do you live?

    I leave this room.

    I said LEAVE downtown. It means that you need to go a bit further; a few Skytrain stations away from city center, to find a cheaper (or igger for the same price) place to live.

    Leave downtown if you want to live better.


  2. #122
    Avatar de ouzmotozolobombey
    Damien 36 ans

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    Message de Yoshi45
    I edited before

    Envoyé par Yoshi45 when you leave downtown
    Where do you live ?
    But ty ^^

  3. #123
    Avatar de Yoshi45

    Vancouver, BC, Canada
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    Message de ouzmotozolobombey
    I edited before

    Envoyé par Yoshi45 when you leave downtown
    Where do you live ?
    But ty ^^

    Due to my job which is really far away from town, I live in Richmond, close to the end of the Skytrain live. I can go to downtown in 3 minutes by us + 25 minutes by Skytrain. (20-22 if I stop in town before Waterfront). Or 15 minutes walk if I miss the bus.

    Without my job I'd live a bit closer, around 15 minutes from downtown instead of 25.

  4. #124
    Avatar de ouzmotozolobombey
    Damien 36 ans

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    Message de Yoshi45
    Due to my job which is really far away from town, I live in Richmond, close to the end of the Skytrain live. I can go to downtown in 3 minutes by us + 25 minutes by Skytrain. (20-22 if I stop in town before Waterfront). Or 15 minutes walk if I miss the bus.

    Without my job I'd live a bit closer, around 15 minutes from downtown instead of 25.
    okkkk I make search for informations. Greater vancouver régional district is a set of municipalities and Vancouver is a municipalitie in greater vancouver.

    hmm hmm interesting.

  5. #125
    Avatar de quent68
    Quentin 33 ans

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    So we can say that Richmond is a suburb of Vancouver ?

  6. #126
    Avatar de ouzmotozolobombey
    Damien 36 ans

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    Message de quent68
    So we can say that Richmond is a suburb of Vancouver ?
    They are cities which forms a district. It's like conglomeration i think

  7. #127
    Avatar de isa
    isa est déconnecté

    Montréal, QC, Canada
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    I wouldn't say that the cost of living is an "objective" thing: it really depends on your personal way of living. I don't believe in those charts or statistics... Though, both Vancouver and Toronto are very expensive cities and I definitely had the Paris feel! I couldn't live long-term in any of those two cities (not just because of the cost of living but for various reasons too) so I'm being the devil's advocate on that matter

  8. #128
    Avatar de PoupeiiLiloo
    katia 33 ans

    Montréal, QC, Canada
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    Message de Yoshi45
    Due to my job which is really far away from town, I live in Richmond, close to the end of the Skytrain live. I can go to downtown in 3 minutes by us + 25 minutes by Skytrain. (20-22 if I stop in town before Waterfront). Or 15 minutes walk if I miss the bus.

    Without my job I'd live a bit closer, around 15 minutes from downtown instead of 25.
    why not try

    Message de isa
    I wouldn't say that the cost of living is an "objective" thing: it really depends on your personal way of living. I don't believe in those charts or statistics... Though, both Vancouver and Toronto are very expensive cities and I definitely had the Paris feel! I couldn't live long-term in any of those two cities (not just because of the cost of living but for various reasons too) so I'm being the devil's advocate on that matter
    What is the Best region or city for you?

  9. #129
    Avatar de isa
    isa est déconnecté

    Montréal, QC, Canada
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    I'd say there's a best city for everyone I loved living in Montréal, which is, I think, the most vibrant canadian city when it comes to culture and everything else (Toronto is a bit the same), and that's the most important factor for me, which isn't the case for everyone. I love Québec culture, its complexity and diversity. That said, if I were to go back to Canada for a few months, I wouldn't necessarily pick Montréal and I advise every new PVTiste to give a shot to several canadian cities, to see what's around, because there is a lot to see and a lot to do. I would either go to Halifax or Victoria, maybe Ottawa or Sherbrooke. I don't know! To each their own, too...

    I wish I could apply for a WHV...

  10. #130
    Avatar de PoupeiiLiloo
    katia 33 ans

    Montréal, QC, Canada
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    Message de isa
    I'd say there's a best city for everyone I loved living in Montréal, which is, I think, the most vibrant canadian city when it comes to culture and everything else (Toronto is a bit the same), and that's the most important factor for me, which isn't the case for everyone. I love Québec culture, its complexity and diversity. That said, if I were to go back to Canada for a few months, I wouldn't necessarily pick Montréal and I advise every new PVTiste to give a shot to several canadian cities, to see what's around, because there is a lot to see and a lot to do. I would either go to Halifax or Victoria, maybe Ottawa or Sherbrooke. I don't know! To each their own, too...

    I wish I could apply for a WHV...
    yes , I understand.
    I loved Montreal on vacation, but I would like to WHV really immerse myself in the Canadian culture, and there is too much for my taste French in Montreal.

  11. #131
    Avatar de Kayssie
    Kayssie 41 ans

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    If I get this AMAZING and EXPECTING WHV, I would go to Tofino on Vanvouver island ;-)

  12. #132
    Avatar de KellyT
    33 ans

    Rennes, France
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    I would like to go to Vancouver (IF I have this so expected WHV) but I don't really know what to expect from this city... People who live there, can you tell me why Vancouver is a good city to live in or to visit ? (I know Yoshi you can talk about Vancouver all day long )

  13. #133
    Avatar de Yoshi45

    Vancouver, BC, Canada
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    Message de KellyT
    I would like to go to Vancouver (IF I have this so expected WHV) but I don't really know what to expect from this city... People who live there, can you tell me why Vancouver is a good city to live in or to visit ? (I know Yoshi you can talk about Vancouver all day long )

    You mean, a topic like this one?

    There is a topic for everything on (like apps for Iphones).

    Message de quent68
    So we can say that Richmond is a suburb of Vancouver ?

    Absolutely, the only limit between the 2 cities is the North arm of the Fraser River, this is a urban area all the way long from Downtown Vancouver to Richmond.

  14. #134
    Avatar de quent68
    Quentin 33 ans

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    Personnaly, I'm more intersted by Montreal because we have so many informations, reports from medias (in France), and I prefer discover the city and the Quebec by my own eyes. But I'm also open for smaller cities, especially St John's. I will try to find an HelpX during several weeks, after Montreal.

  15. #135
    Avatar de Yoshi45

    Vancouver, BC, Canada
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    Message de quent68
    Personnaly, I'm more intersted by Montreal because we have so many informations, reports from medias (in France), and I prefer discover the city and the Quebec by my own eyes. But I'm also open for smaller cities, especially St John's. I will try to find an HelpX during several weeks, after Montreal.

    That's the reason why I'm fighting. We're talking about the second largest country in the world, with so many different provinces, climates and cultures, and in France people only consider a small part of it around Montreal as they are not aware of the other provinces. (and because they want to speak French).

    Just be curious guys!

  16. #136
    Avatar de isa
    isa est déconnecté

    Montréal, QC, Canada
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    Once more, I disagree! Going to Montréal doesn't mean not being curious!
    And going to the province of Québec to speak french neither. I don't value a kind of WHV more than another kind of WHV.

    I think it's a great thing to open the travelers mind about other canadian destinations so he-she'll have all the informations to make a Wise and personal choice (we've all written many articles about that) but in the end, I don't see how picking Montréal or Québec is necessarily a lack of curiosity.

  17. #137
    Avatar de Cazman

    Montréal, QC, Canada
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    We can say the same for Asian People who go mostly to the west part of Canada (Vancouver is also known as Hongcouver or also Raincouver )

    So it's not a big surprise to see European people going to the East part of Canada (oh it's amazing, it's Québec or Ontario )

  18. #138
    Avatar de Yoshi45

    Vancouver, BC, Canada
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    Message de isa
    Once more, I disagree! Going to Montréal doesn't mean not being curious!
    And going to the province of Québec to speak french neither. I don't value a kind of WHV more than another kind of WHV.

    I think it's a great thing to open the travelers mind about other canadian destinations so he-she'll have all the informations to make a Wise and personal choice (we've all written many articles about that) but in the end, I don't see how picking Montréal or Québec is necessarily a lack of curiosity.

    Don't be mistaken, I truly believe that Montreal and Quebec are GREAT places to visit.

    It's just that if we don't do anything, as usual 80% of the people will only go to Quebec, that's why it's important to do everything we can to give more opportunities to visit other cities and provinces they would have never thought of. Since I'm harassing everyone about Vancouver, dozens of pvtistes have considered at least a visit on the West Coast while they really did not care about it when they came here to apply for a WHV. Going to MTL why not, but most of the times it's also due to a lack of knowledge about Ontario, BC, Alberta, Yukon.... If only ONE TV channel could broadcast something about French people living in other parts of Canada instead of always the same stereotypes, it would be awesome.

    Message de Cazman
    We can say the same for Asian People who go mostly to the west part of Canada (Vancouver is also known as Hongcouver or also Raincouver )

    So it's not a big surprise to see European people going to the East part of Canada (oh it's amazing, it's Québec or Ontario )

    I totally agree, and that's why I am pushing to mix all of these people. Sending Asians to the East and get more Europeans in the "wild" West cannot be a complaint.

  19. #139
    Avatar de jennifercressent
    Jennifer 31 ans

    Versailles, France
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    Last night, I had a dream: I was landing in Vancouver #OnlyInMyDreams ✌

  20. #140
    Avatar de KRISHAN
    Pankaj 32 ans

    Montréal, QC, Canada
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    Where is Bryan ?#SchoolMemories#TheOnlyQuestionWeRemember#OkILeave

    Message de jennifercressent
    Last night, I had a dream: I was landing in Vancouver #OnlyInMyDreams ✌
    Oh we had the same dream , but I was landing in Montreal .

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