1. #261
    Avatar de petit_rhino
    43 ans

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    Message de TTorSightView
    I guess there are some death association in Toronto. So I might go to one of these giving my help in exchange for some courses. Firsts things first : get the WHV .
    Careful! It's deaf and not death (death means 'mort').
    I am pretty sure there is a strong deaf community in Toronto. Last year I heard of a restaurant in Toronto where you have to order in sign language and all the staff is part of the deaf community.

    Fingers crossed that you get your WHV!

  2. #262

    2 278
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    My bad! you're so right aout this. I even did the mistake twice. Is there some wrong message me thinking about death Now that I read my part sounds funny to face death people trying to communicate.

  3. #263
    Avatar de Lola10
    35 ans

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    Message de lingi
    I need to visit Switzerland more "seriously". Everytime I go there I stay in the same areas (Vevey, Montreux) and I just enjoy being there. But I don't try to see more and to know more about those cities and others places around. This year I'll try to be a good tourist
    Montreux is beautiful though, but you can go in Bern, Interlaken, Lucern and so many other regions, the Italian part is beautiful too

    Message de lingi
    And I can't even imagine how people who have to live in countries where terrorist attacks happen regulary (like at least once a week) can overcome this. They must be psychologically destroyed when they are lucky enough to be alive.
    The "irony" if I can say so is that they live day by day and have a different philosophy about life, they enjoy every single moment, I'm saying that for having visiting countries in the Middle East or Africa. It's sad to say but they are just used to it and live with it...

    Message de lingi
    You learned spanish in Toronto thanks to your friends?
    No I've learnt Spanish in school and university but practicing daily in Toronto just help me to improve my speaking skills and be more fluent which is good and I'm sure you can meet Brazilian, there are associations in which people gather and speak Portuguese or any other languages

    Message de TTorSightView
    I always said I would learn the Signs Language
    Oh yeah, me too! This is a forgotten language among hearing people while it can be useful.

  4. #264
    Avatar de RemyT
    39 ans

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    Wherever we go, we can practice our language (or other) and that's not bad, after all

    To Toronto, you'll meet various people from many countries...it was the case when I was there for the first time : amazing

  5. #265

    1 743
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    After Yoshi promoting Vancouver, Remy promoting Toronto

  6. #266
    Avatar de RemyT
    39 ans

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    Message de vans
    After Yoshi promoting Vancouver, Remy promoting Toronto
    Hoping I won't be the only one to promote Toronto

  7. #267

    2 278
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    Message de RemyT
    Hoping I won't be the only one to promote Toronto
    Is this the best way to promote Toronto? :

    -->> HERE

    Not sure you can do that everywhere. I guess this is the first thing I'd do after my arrival even though I'm not that good with heights
    Dernière modification par TTorSightView ; 23/03/16 à 19:41.

  8. #268
    Avatar de RemyT
    39 ans

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    Message de TTorSightView
    Is this the best way to promote Toronto? :

    -->> HERE

    Not sure you can do that everywhere. I guess this is the first thing I'd do after my arrival even though I'm not that good with heights
    For info, I'm using my sense of humor...and not to promote Toronto

  9. #269

    2 278
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    Message de RemyT
    For info, I'm using my sense of humor...and not to promote Toronto
    Sorry I don't understand what you mean? What are you refering to? I guess I should not care about the "info" and only take the last sentence with the smiley as you sense of humor? Is that it?

  10. #270
    Message de TTorSightView
    Is this the best way to promote Toronto? :

    -->> HERE

    Not sure you can do that everywhere. I guess this is the first thing I'd do after my arrival even though I'm not that good with heights
    I don't know if that's the best way to promote Toronto but it's certainly a "good way" to die by accident! I'm sure they are really carefull but I'll never do this, even if someone wants to pay me millions of dollars for seing me up there!!!

  11. #271
    Avatar de RemyT
    39 ans

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    Message de TTorSightView
    Sorry I don't understand what you mean? What are you refering to? I guess I should not care about the "info" and only take the last sentence with the smiley as you sense of humor? Is that it?
    I was using my sense of humor with Vans' words when she said I'll promote the city...
    Dernière modification par RemyT ; 23/03/16 à 19:55. Motif: To complete my words

  12. #272

    1 743
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    Message de TTorSightView
    -->> HERE
    OMG, this is not for me, I have a fear of heights

  13. #273

    2 278
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    Message de lingi
    I don't know if that's the best way to promote Toronto but it's certainly a "good way" to die by accident! I'm sure they are really carefull but I'll never do this, even if someone wants to pay me millions of dollars for seing me up there!!!
    Even walking is a good way to die by accident as accidents happen by let's say... accident. I assume you might have more chance to die from a heart attack there than walking though.

    Message de RemyT
    I was using my sense of humor with Vans' words when she said I'll promote the city...
    I guess I got that. I was just following your steps about promoting Toronto as a subject.
    Dernière modification par TTorSightView ; 23/03/16 à 20:06.

  14. #274
    Message de TTorSightView
    Even walking is a good way to die by accident as accidents happen by let's say... accident.
    Lol! Good point!

    But to me going up there is like calling "death" and when it comes saying "I'm joking! Don't you see all the security stuff I have around me? I'm just here to be scared a little bit, just for the "adrenaline". But if death says "Are you serious? You bother me and then tell me "I'm joking"? I will cut all your security stuff by accident, so we will all laugh for real!!!"
    And that's how you die "by accident" while visiting Toronto... (I'm inspired tonight...)

    But yes we probably have more chance to die from a heart attack (up there or anywhere else) than dying because Jim forgot to attach this stuff that prevent us from falling done (but it can happen...)
    Dernière modification par lingi ; 23/03/16 à 20:17.

  15. #275
    Avatar de RemyT
    39 ans

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    Message de TTorSightView
    Even walking is a good way to die by accident as accidents happen by let's say... accident. I assume you might have more chance to die from a heart attack there than walking though.

    I guess I got that. I was just following your steps about promoting Toronto as a subject.
    Don't be confused Joe, that's okay

    I just try to put the good atmosphere in here...even if we are serious and curious about many things with topics

  16. #276

    2 278
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    Message de lingi
    Lol! Good point!

    But to me going up there is like calling "death" and when it comes saying "I'm joking! Don't you see all the security stuff I have around me? I'm just here to be scared a little bit, just for the "adrenaline". But if death says "Are you serious? You bother me and then tell me "I'm joking"? I will cut all your security stuff by accident, so we will all laugh for real!!!"
    And that's how you die "by accident" while visiting Toronto... (I'm inspired tonight...)

    But yes we probably have more chance to die from a heart attack (up there or anywhere else) than dying because Jim forgot to attach this stuff that prevent us from falling done (but it can happen...)
    I love the inspiration there.

    At least when falling you have the panoramic view of the city and might even find the freedom you're looking for. So who wants to make me millionaire for trying this?

    Message de vans
    OMG, this is not for me, I have a fear of heights
    Best way to make the fear go away would be to try something like that don't you think?
    Dernière modification par TTorSightView ; 23/03/16 à 20:46.

  17. #277

    1 743
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    Any other destinations you'd like to go ?

  18. #278

    2 278
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    Message de vans
    Any other destinations you'd like to go ?
    I would say Banff just for the view of Lake Louise which looks stunning from what's I've heard.

  19. #279
    Message de vans
    Any other destinations you'd like to go ?
    Personally I'm going to start my canadian journey in Toronto. But I'm opened to other places even in Quebec (excepted for Montreal!!!). That said if I stay in Quebec I won't stay for a long time because they mainly speak french there.

    Ok I only have 4 days to move my stuff outside of my place (lucky PVTiste's problems or "Euromillion winner's problems" if you want hope you'll have those kind of problems very soon )

    I won't be around the forum for the next days so if something great happens to one (or all) of you, let me know by writing a comment with my name so I'll receive a notification in my email box.

    Good luck!
    Dernière modification par lingi ; 25/03/16 à 11:49.

  20. #280

    1 743
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    Message de lingi
    Personally I'm going to start my canadian journey in Toronto. But I'm opened to other places even in Quebec (excepted for Montreal!!!). That said if I stay in Quebec I won't stay for a long time because they mainly speak french there.

    Ok I only have 4 days to move my stuff outside of my place (lucky PVTiste's problems or "Euromillion winner's problems" if you want hope you'll have those kind of problems very soon )

    I won't be around the forum for the next days so if something great happens to one (or all) of you, let me know by writing a comment with my name so I'll receive a notification in my email box.

    Good luck!
    How come you don't want to go to Montreal to be with all the French pvtistes hahaha ?! I didn't really see the city because I mostly enjoyed the jazz festival when I was there for a few days. But what I saw wasn't that pretty (maybe in the wrong neighboorhood...)

    Good luck with the moving and thanks for your support April is coming !!!
    See you in a while on the forum

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